
A step forward: business women of Kazakhstan came to Ankara

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Ankara held the first business summit for business women from Kazakhstan and Turkey.

15-16 February 2018 Ankara held the first business summit for business women from Kazakhstan and Turkey.

The delegation of Kazakhstan was headed by Gulshara Abdykalikova, the state secretary of Kazakhstan and the chairwoman of the national commission on Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy within the Office of the President of RK. The participants included Business Women's Council president Lyazzat Ramazanova, on the Turkish side Deputy Prime minister of the Republic of Turkey Hakan Chavushoglu, Vice-president of the council of business women and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges Ruhsar Pekcan. The Kazakh delegation included 50 business women.

Business Women's Council president Lyazzat Ramazanova underlined that approximately 40% GDP of Kazakhstan are formed by women. Their part in the development of business is constantly growing.

“Atameken was one of the first consulting bodies who created the council of business women. Today it is represented by 16 regional councils and 170 councils in districts headed by business women. So the council united successful and social active women from all the regions of the country. I would like to say that 47% of entrepreneurs, 26% of legal bodies and 19% of farmers are represented by women”- said Lyazzat Ramazanova.

Lyazzat Ramazanova told to participants about the main directions of work of the national chamber of entrepreneurs saying that Atameken was followed by the continental model and used a significant experience of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.

Kazakh-Turkish business council has been working since the achievement of the independence. In 2009 Council of Turkic-Speaking States was created. In 2014 the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and “Atameken” signed a memorandum.

In 2015 Kazakh-Turkish business council was recreated in a new format between the Committee of Foreign Economic Relations under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Turkey (DEIK) and the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This Council pays attention to the strategic cooperation between these two countries illustrated in statistics.

One of the milestones in deepening of business cooperation became the establishment of Joint Kazakh-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in April.

“This visit allows to strengthen mutually beneficial agreements between business communities of both countries”- summarized Lyazzat Ramazanova.

In the framework of the forum panel discussions were held: “Kazakhstan - new development opportunities for the investors in the digitalization era” and “Prospects for women entrepreneurship development in Kazakhstan and Turkey”.

Investment opportunities and tourism became the main themes for discussion. The participants had the opportunity to see the work of the international finance centre “Astana” and the Council of Foreign Economic Relations of Turkey.

The programme further included a visit to the university of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, industrial zone and “Panora” trade centre.

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