
"ECO", "BIO", "Organic": the work is in progress ...

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Issues related to the contradictions between the Environmental Code and the Law "On organic production" were once again discussed at NCE

The discussion was attended by representatives of state bodies, associations in the field of organic agriculture, organic production and environmentally friendly products, as well as the poultry industry.

According to the expert of the Department of Technical Regulation of NCE RK Arman Mambetaev, relevant inquiries were sent to state authorities in order to obtain views on the existing differences.

Thus, the head of Office of the Ministry of Agriculture believes that the need to make changes to the Environmental Code in terms of classification of "environmentally friendly products" to exclusively non-food products, as the term "organic products" covers agricultural products, including food products.

In turn, representatives of the International Academy of Ecology, PF “Eco Standart”, Kazakhstani federation of organic agriculture movements KazFOAM stated that further work is necessary to resolve the issue as it is difficult to divide the products to food and nonfood.
The head of the Office of the Ministry of Energy aired the view that we should explore in detail the contradictions, and the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry for Investment and Development believes that legislation is necessary to divide the products into an organic and eco-friendly. According to the Committee, there were accepted standards for environmentally friendly products.

The expert of the Ministry of Justice informed the participants about the presence of the terms "organic food products" and "eco-friendly food products" in the law "On food safety", which must also be taken into account when drafting the amendments to the legislation.
According to the results of discussions, the workshop participants noted the need to study further the issue and receipt of specific proposals from ME, MA, CTRM and MJ, as well as from the business before 20th of February 2017.

This work began upon notification of the Committee of Consumer Protection of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the implementation of the control of business entities engaged in the import and sale of imported products that carry the characters "ECO", "Bio", "Organic" as well as the national organic products.
NCE will continue work in this direction, all the questions can be submitted to the Department of Technical Regulation by phone: +77172 919-330.


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