
Information system "Astana -1" is presented at NCE

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International obligations require the transition to new standards of customs and other border services for domestic exporters and importers
Issues of integration of information systems of state bodies, the introduction of electronic declaration, and "E-box" are the cornerstone in the process of simplification of customs formalities.

Draft Customs Code of the EAEU, the procedure of internal coordination of which has completed, determines the priority of electronic technology to paper-based processes, and, if in the Member States of EAEU will not complete reformatting procedures of information technologies, including in Kazakhstan, the business will face a situation, when the current system of customs declaration does not comply with the provisions of the new Code.

On 14th of February this year within the framework of the modernization of customs procedures and the establishment of an integrated automated system of customs and tax administration on the initiative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented the information system "ASTANA-1" at the site of the National Chamber.


The project on the development of "Astana-1" is carried out in accordance with the contract signed in September 2015 between SRC of MF RK and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Project objectives are: optimization of customs policies and procedures in accordance with WTO rules, international standards and best practices, implementation of the system of electronic declaration, facilitating reduction of the number of documents for export and import and the time of their processing, the introduction of advanced methods of risk management and post-audit.

By the end of the round table it was agreed that the joint work of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NCE "Atameken" on improvement of the information system, as well as business training will be continued at central and territorial level.
All business issues and suggestions for improvement of IS "Astana -1" can be sent to the developers email address: and telephone number: 8 (7171) 2 70 99 36.
The presentation of IS "Astana-1"  can be found here.

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