
The number of complaints has decreased to 2%

- Karaganda Region
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In 2016, the complaints on land plots have stopped in the Karaganda region

This was stated by the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov during visiting board meeting of the General Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan in Karaganda.

Business Ombudsman said that during a meeting with businessmen of the region in the past year, the main set of issues was related to the provision of land to small and medium-sized businesses for construction and expansion of their business activities. Businessmen could not get land plots for years due to the inconsistency of a business plan, detailed planning and master plans of cities.

"Last year, I came and met with businesses and state bodies. We talked with the akim of the region Nurmukhambet Abdibekov about the issue of land allocation to business. Now I was told that now all akimats show their master plans, and projects of detailed planning. Previously entrepreneurs were refused all the time. Now all the free sites are free for view and refusals stopped", - said B. Palymbetov.

According to the legal unit of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region, now the number of refusals dropped to 2%, whereas previously this figure was at least 40%.

"These 2 percent are informed, motivated refusals. Land shall not be granted if it is located in the zone of the "red line" - the boundaries that separate the territory of districts, neighborhoods, which are used to regulate the construction boundaries. Land plots are also not allocated areas in the territories where the target use is set - agricultural, industrial, environmental, and so on ", - said Deputy Director of Legal Affairs of RCE Gennady Zhmuk.

According to G. Zhmuk, currently the Chamber considers appeals of those entrepreneurs, who could not get land plots prior to 2016. For example, during the inspection of the regional government agencies, conducted by Attorney General's Office last year, 71 unjustified refusals to provide land were detected only in the city of Karaganda. But now the situation is changing.

Another problem of Karaganda business was the lack of information about the free sites, therefore, very often there were question about the corruption schemes. Business Ombudsman considers that it is possible to stop - the will of the administration of the region is required for it.

"I have already suggested, I said it once - let's make everything transparent. It is necessary to sell these plots at auctions. Over the past year in the Karaganda region there were held only 3 auctions, at which 20 plots were sold. This is not a violation of the law - Akim has the right to grant land for investment projects. Then I have a request to akims: publish complete information on allotted land plots, to what LLP, for what needs. And it will be public control, and all the talk on the unfair distribution will stop. Transparency, openness will eliminate all the questions and complaints on corruption", - offered B. Palymbetov.

According to the Business Ombudsman, therefore, Karaganda region show the best example to other regions.


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