
The law for the agrarians

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On the website of the Ministry of Agriculture was published a state program of development of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 years
The document was recently approved by the Presidential Decree.

The Program is developed in accordance with the request of the President, given at the enlarged meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 9th of  September 2016, in accordance with the strategic development objectives of the Republic of Kazakhstan outlined in the Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps" and the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050".
Thus, this program is aimed at providing domestic needs of the population on the popular types of agricultural production, the definition of targeted export policy.

The program is based on agribusiness development programs for integration into the Republic of Kazakhstan "Agribusiness - 2017" and the State Water Resources Management Program in Kazakhstan.
The main objective of the agrarian program – is to ensure production of demanded products at the markets of competitive agricultural products.
The objectives of the program are:

-involvement of small and medium-sized farms in the agricultural co-operatives;
-saturation of the internal market and the development of export potential of domestic products;
- effective use of financial measures of state support;

-effective use of water resources;

- Creation of conditions for the efficient use of land resources;
- Increasing security of agricultural machinery and of chemicals;
- The development of trade and logistics infrastructure;
-     Scientific-technological, personnel, information and marketing support of agriculture.

The program is designed for 4 years, and is designed to provide productivity growth in agriculture for 38% of gross production (services), agriculture 30% and the volume of food exports to 600 million USD, reducing the volume of food imports by 400 million USD, the growth of wholesale trade of food products by 29% compared to 2015; etc.

Add, since independence nine policy documents have been developed on the basis of which was implemented the state policy in the field of agriculture: The program of socio-economic development "Aul" - 1991-1995 and for the period up to 2000, a conceptual program of agribusiness development for 1993-1995 and until 2000, the program of agricultural development for 2000-2002, the State agro-food program for 2003-2005, the State program for rural development 2004-2010, the concept of sustainable development of agro-industrial complex for 2006-2010, program priorities for the implementation of measures of the Concept of sustainable development of AIC of Kazakhstan for 2006-2010, AIC development Program for 2010-2014 and  the program of the development of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstani  "agribusiness - 2017".

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