
Placement of business on the first floors of high-rise buildings

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Engineering Institute became the solution of problems of entrepreneurs in the issue on reconstruction of buildings and facilities within them.

The problem of the possibility of reconstruction of houses in large-panel buildings through installation of filled-in panel in an existing window frame of exterior walls from the end of 2013 is in the Register of Entrepreneurs problems of NCE. NCE has done work towards a compromise solution, taking into account the views of all stakeholders. After the introduction of the institute of engineering, it became possible to carry out technical inspection of buildings and structures with appropriate conclusions. According to the Law of RK "On architectural, construction and urban development", technical examination of the reliability and stability of buildings and structures – is kind of expert work, as a result of which is determined the actual condition of buildings and structures and their elements, reliability and stability, the possibility of further operation of buildings and facilities, reception of quantify of the actual performance quality of designs, taking into account the changes, taking place over time, to determine the composition and volume of works of capital repairs, modernization or reconstruction of the facility, as well as change of the purpose.

Expert work - works on the examination of projects and technical inspection of the safety and soundness of buildings and structures, which are conducted by accredited organizations engaged in engineering services on technical supervision and expert work for technical inspection of safety and soundness of buildings and structures on the technically and technologically sophisticated objects of the first and second levels of responsibility.
The authorized state body shall maintain a register of accredited expert organizations placed on the official website of the Committee for Construction of the Ministry of National Economy.
Technical inspection of the safety and soundness of buildings and structures is carried out by the customer with attraction of experts, who have the appropriate certificate for the right to perform expert work under the contract.

In this case, the identification of the nature of the exterior walls, which are assumed to reconstruction in terms of strength, reliability, and stability.
In a study of the reliability and stability of the building and facilities of persons performing technical inspection, give the customer (the developer) conclusion about the state of buildings and facilities with an indication of the recommendations.
Technical inspection of the safety and soundness of buildings and structures is carried out in the following cases:

- Changes in the approved design decisions related to changes of structural layout of buildings and structures, production technology;

- Modernization, reconstruction, upgrading, changing the purpose of premises or operated buildings.

Experts performing technical inspection of the safety and soundness of buildings and structures, is responsible for the quality of the research, the correctness and completeness of the submitted solutions, developed recommendations.

All conclusions and guidance of experts, based on the results of technical examinations, are compulsory for the execution by the customer (Article 34-4 of the Law).

Thus, today there is the following sequence of actions:

1) conduct technical inspection of the panel to be reconstructed, by contracting an accredited organization (list is attached);

2) make reconstruction project by signing a contract with an accredited organization (including organizations engaged in technical inspection);

3) all the documents (application, documents of title, consent of adjacent property owners) need to be send to the city administration for the issue of the resolution on reconstruction (alterations, renovations) premises (individual participation) of existing buildings and structures associated with the change in the main and enclosing constructions, engineering systems and equipment, including through e-Government portal.


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