
Eldar Zhumagaziev: "We need to scale the process of introduction of dual education"

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NCE RK "Atameken" in the framework of a partnership project with the Chamber of Crafts in Trier (Germany) holds a forum "Business and the National Qualifications Framework: strategy and regional action programs"

The event is attended by representatives of ministries, international organizations, members of regional chambers of entrepreneurs. The purpose of the forum – is to define strategic goals and to develop a regional action program for the implementation of the opportunities and benefits of business in the system of qualifications, training on the job place and certification of specialists.

According to Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Eldar Zhumagaziev result of the forum should be a road map. "There are two key issues: the development of dual education and the transfer colleges in management of business. In connection with this I offer within 2-3 days to develop a roadmap on these issues", - he said.

"The problem is in the scale of what we are doing. I think this is the main question. Why domestic companies should be interested to engage in dual education, why this technique should be the key? We need to discuss all of our achievements, to then with the participation of the government and public authorities to determine the preferences to companies that help future specialists to upgrade qualification", - noted Zhumagaziev.

Project coordinator of Chamber of Crafts of Trier Albert Over, in turn, stressed that the concept of dual education in any case should not be against the colleges, all participants should feel comfortable. "The situation in Germany between colleges and enterprises is not as smooth as it seems. But we found a kind of model, thanks to which we can reach a consensus. In Kazakhstan, too, there are successful developed models of introduction of dual education. In particular, I can give a good example, as a cluster, when the associations, akimats, colleges can collaborate, and they are all united by the Chamber", - he said.

Albert Over said that the Trier Chamber discusses with NCE the establishment of training centers of additional education for college students. "If you want to participate in such a big project, we are ready to support your teachers and enhance their skills", - said the expert from Germany.

Acting Director of the Department of VET of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Nasymzhan Ospanov voiced statistics on the implementation of dual education in Kazakhstan. "Dual training covered 2433 businesses, at which 27 thousand students undergo internship at 80 specialties and 160 qualifications. 27 thousand people trained within the dual education, representing only 5.5% of the total number of students", - she said.

The Chamber of Crafts of Trier together with NCE RK "Atameken" in 2015 implemented a partnership project on training at the workplace. The project was developed since 2014 and is aimed at strengthening the role of enterprises, regional chambers of entrepreneurs in the organization of dual training, the use of specific mechanisms of the Chamber of Crafts of Trier in the organization of industrial training. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation of Germany.

The main objective of the project – is to promote the sustainable improvement of the training-level on demands of SME at enterprises and colleges in Kazakhstan.

The project is implemented in 6 areas and coordinated by the Chambers of entrepreneurs in Astana, Almaty, Kyzylorda, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan and Almaty regions.

There were held seminars for teachers of enterprises and experts of RCE in the cities Astana, Almaty, Taraz, and recommendations for changes in the college curriculum to accommodate the proposals of enterprises involved in the project.

There were held study tours to German vocational education institutions: the Central Union of German artisans, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education (BIBB), the Chamber of Crafts of Koblenz and Trier, the Chamber of Commerce of Trier, professional schools and others.

More than 50 mentors of enterprises from Astana, Atyrau, Almaty, Taraz, Kyzylorda, Shymkent, Taldykorgan, Aktobe, Petropavlovsk were trained at a German training course for teachers on the topic: "Professional and labor pedagogy. Certification of teachers”.
In January 2017 there was organized a trip of masters of industrial training from colleges of Shymkent (7 ppl.) to the training center of the Chamber of Crafts of Trier. They attended workshops on welding and German specialists presented a workshop on furniture production in Almaty.

8 participants of seminars for mentors by the German training program from 6th to 10th of February 2017 have been trained within the dual multipliers training program at Chamber of Crafts of Trier. As a result of training multipliers mastered techniques, methods of animation of the dual education and training of mentors of enterprises, there were developed functional maps and mentors training programs, the structure of training manuals for teachers of enterprises was determined.


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