
Timur Kulibayev: "We need to revive geological exploration!"

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Priorities for the development of mining companies were identified at NCE RK "Atameken"

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev held a working meeting with the Chairman of the Committee of the Presidium of the mining and metallurgical industry and discussed the development of the industry.

"Geological exploration was a great professional and competitive industry in Kazakhstan, where about 20 thousand people were involved. Technology has now gone far ahead with deeper analysis methods, modeling of geological research. Our geological science is far behind. I am concerned that we are giving opportunities and mining companies are interested in geology. And who will perform the work? Now again, foreign companies will be invited? Unfortunately, we have lost many staff and experience. But we need to recover this huge business for Kazakhstan", - said the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev at the working meeting on the issues of the Committee of mining and metallurgical industries.

According to the Chairman of the Committee of the mining and metallurgical industry of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Nikolai Radostovets, further development of sectors of the economy is impossible without a clear strategy of the energy market. Among the main problems of the extractive sector are the issues related to the need for changes in the tax law (abolition of tax on excess profits), to reduce costs for businesses in terms of preventing a significant increase in the cost of rail transport services and services for the transportation of gas; improvement of legislation in the field of renewable energy sources (avoiding indexation of tariffs for fixed exchange rate, alternative renewable energy support mechanisms).

As it was noted by the head of NCE "Atameken", tariff issues are directly related to the introduction of additional capacity, enhancement of energy efficiency.
"The most important thing is to understand the amount of generating capacity and industry needs that we anticipated in the coming decade. The country has not yet embarked on energy efficiency. In fact, there are large reserves, we can improve the energy efficiency of our production and consumption of electricity, due to this there will be excess capacity", - said Timur Kulibayev.


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