
Procurements and possibilities of domestic producers: a balance is required

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NCE will apply all efforts to align market symmetry between long-term orders and customers

The most important component for improving the competitiveness of all sectors of the manufacturing industry is the production and, as a consequence, the development of this key sector leads to a more efficient economy. That is why the development of this sector should be a priority. This was discussed at a meeting at NCE with participation of the head of the Presidium Timur Kulibayev

As it was stressed by Timur Kulibayev, provision of companies with orders and long-term contracts are always a priority for NCE. However, it is very important to strike a balance between procurement and the possibilities of domestic production, said the head of NCE. According to him, manufacturers must first work on the quality of products and make it competitive by price. The Chairman of the Presidium noted that it is necessary to take into account the involvement of the maximum number of domestic producers, which are competitive on the market, as well as to increase local content in state orders for the purpose of import substitution.

The head of NCE, stressed that "Atameken", as the defender of the interests of domestic entrepreneurs will look for ways to support and to assist in the business development of manufacturing enterprises, he gave an instruction to develop an alternative to the existing public procurement system. As an example of possible mutually beneficial and long-term relationships, he cited the joint cooperation of the furniture and construction industries.

"It is necessary to create a balance between procurement and the ability of our production. You, please do this work, it will be touch light industry, and wood and furniture. You will understand what is in demand, and what we actually make. And further, that our manufacturers can do what furniture, of what quality and what price", - the chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev instructed the head of the profile committee.

Reference. At the end of 2016, experts of the Committee of the manufacturing industry of NCE RK "Atameken" have facilitated the introduction of a ban on the export from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of raw cattle hides, regenerable paper, cardboard, paper and waste, which resolves the issue of shortage of raw materials for domestic producers,. Total production of light, chemical, paper and furniture products, wood and cork goods in 2016 amounted to 457 billion tenge (growth in comparison with 2015 by 14%). However, there is a decrease in furniture production by 14%. 2841 companies are engaged in the manufacturing sector, where 28 thousand people are employed.


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