
Major supermarkets of Almaty stated that they are blackmailed

- City of Almaty
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Information Agency of Consumers is coming to you with the control

The heads of several supermarket chains addressed to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. According to them, a citizen E. Bakhytbekuly goes to shopping malls and blackmails businessmen.

"The guards of the company noticed a man who walked around the store and filmed on smartphone products and employees. When he was asked what he was doing Bakhytbekuly E. stated that he had found shortcomings in our work and demanded a meeting with the administration of the supermarket. He threatened to the management that he would write a complaint to the regulatory authorities and the prosecutor's office. If the supermarket does not want problems, it needs to cooperate with some Information Agency of Consumers", - says the head of quality control of LLP “Magnum Cash & Carry” Evelyna Zholymbetova.

As it turned out the auditor - volunteer walked almost all the supermarkets of Almaty. It offered its services to super markets “GREEN Mart”, “INTERFOOD”, “Realist”, “Trademarket”, “SMALL”, “24 hours", "Alma" and the super market "Chaika". And in all the supermarkets refused to E. Bakhytbekuly. Soon, the three supermarkets were raided by an inspection of the Department of Consumer Protection. Sanitary epidemiological service imposed a fine on two supermarkets. One more supermarket received an explanation note. As the lawyers of the Chamber of entrepreneurs found, employees of the Department of Consumer Protection came to  supermarkets after the appeal of the very organization that calls itself the Information Agency of Consumers. Moreover, the Department and the Agency had concluded a memorandum of cooperation.

Experts of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs raised the problem on the Council for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. It was attended by representatives of the prosecutor's office, independent lawyers and social activists. The staff of the Department of Consumer Protection and LLP "Information Agency of Consumers were also invited As it turned out, the agency was quick to dismiss a negligent employee, believing that the problem with supermarkets is resolved. The employees of sanitary epidemiological service were recognized guilty.

"This agency has written to the Department a statement on violation of consumer rights. According to the law, when you receive calls from businesses and individuals, we need to process the appeal. Memorandum with public organizations was compiled in 2014. We would like through their resources to carry out explanatory work. The fact that the agency employee uses the agreement for selfish purposes, we did not know. After the appeal of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, this memorandum was canceled", - explained the deputy head of the Department of Consumer Protection Murat Birzhanov.

The Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov stressed that the number of inspections of business over the last year has increased seven-fold. Leader in the number of inspections remains the Department of Consumer Protection. "Audits take time away from the business. Several employees have to completely break away from work and to accompany the inspectors. Supervisors receive salary from the budget. No one benefits from it. Moreover, according to statistics, in half of the cases the inspectors found no violations", - said Yuri Tleumuratov.

Members of the Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs pointed out that there are too many of all kinds of companies to defend the rights of consumers. When testing some applications it turns out that people, who are listed in the complaint as victims, do not exist. The problem can be solved at the legislative level, prohibiting state structures to delegate its powers to control to other organizations, especially the commercial ones.

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