
Business is ready for effective cooperation with the Ministry of Healthcare

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Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva took part in an expanded meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Healthcare by the results of activities in 2016 and tasks for 2017.

The other participants of the event were Kazakh Parliament MPs, representatives of the Presidential Administration, the central state bodies, deputy akims, heads of regional healthcare departments, subordinate organizations, territorial departments and other NGOs.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Ministry of Healthcare have many joint plans. As a priority for the coming years, of course, she marked the realization of the State Program "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019 years, as a key objective, which is in charge of all the joint initiatives of the Ministry, NCE and business –is to improve the quality of medical services.

As for implementation of the system of CSMI, a lot of work has been done since 2015. Together, we have set the maximum threshold of the tax deductions and contributions to CSMI in the amount of not more than 15 MW, instead of the planned total payroll. State authority supported the proposal of the National Chamber on reduction % rate of employers' contributions from 2% to 1% in 2018 and the establishment of 3% from 2022 instead of 5% without further increase. At the same time, not to increase the tax burden on businesses, we propose to consider reducing the amount of social tax payable to the budget for the deducted amount paid to CSMI. In connection with the establishment of the fund of CSMI, at its level will be the held consolidation of the costs for providing all types of medical care to the population, including the costs that were previously covered by local executive bodies on funding of SGBP. In this regard, the reduction of the amounts of social tax from the employers in the amount of deductions to the system of CSMI will have no impact on the level of local budgets", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

In addition, she stressed the need to ensure the transparency of financial flows in provision of medical services as well as public information about the annual financial plan of the fund of CSMI and its implementation, about its contracts signed with healthcare providers.

"We consider it important to increase the efficiency of use of financial resources, and not to increase the amount of contributions. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and business are ready to participate actively in all initiatives of the Ministry: in the implementation of corporative management of healthcare organizations, in the composition of the Supervisory Board, in the system of CSMI and in the provision of services under service contracts. To improve the quality and accessibility of medical services, it is necessary to make the most of business opportunities through the development of voluntary medical insurance, and the introduction of co-payment. At the same time, it is necessary to introduce the electronic passports of patients, which will be a key element in e-healthcare, providing storage and exchange of basic data about the health of a person", - said the speaker.

On the issue of the development of the pharmaceutical industry Yuliya Yakupbaeva said that by the joint efforts of Government and business in the Code "On people's health" appeared the notion of long-term contracts. For the first time the practice of concluding long-term contracts began to be used in the healthcare system.

"Currently, 32 long-term agreements were signed with 19 domestic manufacturers for the supply of 1 052 items of medicines and medical products. And they are already yielding positive results in the implementation of the import substitution program. The share of local content in terms of money in the procurement of drugs and medical devices through LLP "SK-Pharmacby" by 2017 increased from 17% to 30%. The volume of production of basic pharmaceutical products has grown over the past 5 years by 57% and amounted to 42.4 billion tenge in 2016. All this has been achieved by involving more than 350 million dollars in the industry via direct investment to accelerate the adoption of the practice of GMP and to improve the quality of products. Currently, GMP standards were implemented at 19 production units of 10 plants", - she said.

The export potential of the pharmaceutical industry is increasing and the range of mnufactured products is expanding, which is represented mainly by generics. At present, domestic plants produce more than 800 kinds of medicines.
In recent years NCE together with the state body "shoulder to shoulder" defended the interests of the domestic pharmaceutical industry in the development of normative legal acts in the framework of the EAEU.

Along with the results achieved NCE has been working with the business on import substitution by expanding the list of output range and planning of production localization. Proposals on this subject will be presented upon completion to the Ministry.

"In addition, there are a number of issues requiring joint decision with the Ministry of Health, this is the reduction of costs of suppliers of pharmaceutical products through improvement of pharmaceutical regulatory pricing mechanism with anti-dumping programs, the introduction of pre-payment mechanism (advance payment), etc., as well as the development of the Roadmap to promote domestic production and to increase public awareness about the output quality of domestic products", - said the deputy chairman of NCE.

Regarding the implementation of PPPs, Yuliya Yakupbaeva said NCE works with the Ministry of Healthcare in this direction since last year. There is a joint working group from the representatives of state bodies, PPP Center, businesses and associations.

Within the framework of the working group business puts a question of clear and transparent requirements for the payment of compensation costs, improve transparency of financial flows, improving the tariff formation for medical services.

"The current method of formation of tariffs does not cover all the costs borne by entrepreneurs. For example, the tariff does not take into account depreciation costs, the cost of purchasing expensive equipment (over 5 million tenge), the cost of capital and current repairs, interest on bank loans. The question of long-term orders for up to 5-7 years in all PPP projects on provision of medical services is still not resolved. As a result, there were developed and coordinated proposals with the MNE to reduce the terms of coordination and expertise of PPP project, tender documentation from 210 days to 135 days and to simplify procedures by simultaneous (in parallel) expertise and coordination of documents, a number of documents has been optimized", - she said .

However, in continuation of this work NCE suggested to exclude this requirement for the development of the concept and standard bidding documents for small forms of PPP, the value of which does not exceed four millionth MCI; transfer on the expertise of PPP projects to financial institutions instead of subsidiaries of local akimats in order to avoid the effect of the "bottleneck."

"I would like to note that with proper application of the PPP, it is applicable in all sectors of the economy, and especially in the social. The most important thing is to do all the procedures transparent and clear", - she said.



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