
From the joint debate to a constructive solution

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IT-developers are ready to support the Informatization and automation of the educational system

Questions of the needs of education in the IT-systems, namely the automation of learning processes, as well as the project "Unified system of electronic journals and diaries of students of Kazakhstani educational institutions” were discussed domestic IT-developers with the Ministry of Education and Science during a meeting, which was organized at an interactive site of NCE "Atameken”. ".
The meeting was attended by Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev, Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Eldar Zhumagaziev, President of Kazakhstani Association of IT-companies Nurlan Isin, as well as over 130 entrepreneurs of IT -sphere from all regions of the country attended the meeting on-line.

Chairman of NCE Ablay Myrzakhmetov, noting the importance of the development and value education, said that questions of education are in the center of public discussion in recent years and business has proposals to support Informatization and automation of the educational system.
In turn, the Minister of Education and Science Yerlan Sagadiyev announced major plans of the ministry of Informatization and transition to the cloud technology, as well as the willingness to discuss the initiatives of Kazakhstani IT-companies.

Entrepreneurs of IT-sphere have raised questions and put forward the proposals on the introduction of a unified system of the automation, safety and security of information of databases, solutions for the storage of all content of the electronic system, etc.
For example, the head of LLP “Greenet” Abylaikhan Zhakanov voiced readiness to carry out Internet filtering for schools that will protect students from inappropriate content. Offer of Almaty businessman from the IT-sector was supported by the representatives of the Ministry.

During the meeting was discussed the issue of implementation of the project "Unified system of electronic journals and diaries of students of educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the creation of an optimal analysts solution in the system.

After listening to business issues and proposals, the Minister of Education and Science Yerlan Sagadiyev said that there will be held a competition to determine the private partner on the placement of information on the planned PPP project on the official Internet resource of the Ministry, other Internet resources, and in the print media, according to planning rules and the implementation of public-private partnership projects. After reviewing additional applications of potential private partners, the Commission will conduct negotiations with the invitation of deputies of the Senate and the Mazhilis, as well as representatives of NCE "Atameken". The minister urged local IT-developers to submit their suggestions on the draft Concept of "Unified system of electronic journals and diaries of students of educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Summing up, the Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that this meeting is a good dialogue platform to discuss the development of IT-sphere in general, he proposed to conduct meetings of the Minister with IT-community on monthly basis.

At the next meeting Erlan Sagadiev and the business community have agreed to prepare a number of proposals on information and automation of activities of educational institutions, as well as to hold a series of workshops with those, who are responsible for this line at the Ministry.
It should be noted that in January of this year NCE RK "Atameken" created the Council on the development of IT and startup eco-system. The Council is attended by representatives of the IT-industry in the country. Current issues of IT-industry are raised and discussed at its base.



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