
Lazzat Ramazanova: "Women – are the basis of the well-being of every family"

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In Zhanaozen was held II Forum of the Regional Council of Businesswomen
It was organized by the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region.

At the forum "Women - entrepreneurs - a reliable support for the sustainable development of Mangistau region" were presented successful projects of Zhanaozen entrepreneurs, who have made a significant contribution to the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
The Head of the Secretariat of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", chairman of the Council of Businesswomen "Atameken" Lazzat Ramazanova stressed that women are the basis of well-being of each family and the competitiveness of Kazakhstan. "Our women are all: they do business, engage in politics, work in management positions, and are always beautiful".

CBW of Mangistau region is active in the involvement of rural women in business. The population is 648,000 people, including 328,000 women – i.e. 52%. In rural areas there is low percentage of self-employed women (3%). The task of CBW are via educational and advisory work to give women confidence in starting a business.

Obviously, it is an increase in the tax base and addressing issues of unemployment in rural areas. During 2016 LLP "MFI Atameken" approved 23 projects of women entrepreneurs, totaling more than 190 thousand tenge. Of the 23 approved projects of NGO, 20 women received actual funding. According to issued 20 micro projects such in areas as: livestock, cooking and bakery, roadside service, kindergarten services, cars and machinery, sewing workshop, hostel and other services.
The ratio of seven areas to the 20 projects is the development of a dynamic, showing that women entrepreneurs do business in different directions. CBW conduct organizational work on creation of associations - industry trade sites in those areas of the economy where women are predominate.

In February of this year, two associations were already registered in Mangistau region - "the Union of designers of clothes" and "Interior designers and decorators". The next is "Guild of Confectioners", "Union of craftsmen", "the Association of  educational and preschool centers".
The main task - is to create truly professional sites and to withdraw from the shadow those, who are engaged in small craft at home. The nearest 2-3 years CBW of Mangistau region will focus on the development of all areas related to tourism, as Mangistau has a huge potential in the development of this sphere. Undoubtedly, in this regard, it is necessary to develop national crafts which are revived, but for their heyday educational programs of the masters of the business and financial investments are needed.

The forum ended with the awarding of active women entrepreneurs with letters of thanks for their contribution to the development of Mangystau region's economy.

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