
One hundred percent "Made in Kazakhstan"

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Real support for domestic producers

In Astana, at the initiative of the Eurasian Business Council and NCE RK "Atameken" in support of domestic producers and the brand "Made in Kazakhstan" opened a new trade pavilion "Expo".

The advantage of the shopping pavilion is its availability. Entrepreneurs pay only an annual fee for the content of the goods, the rest - shopping places, services of sellers, utilities will be free of charge. This is real support for commodity producers.

"Before we cut the red ribbon, allow me on behalf of the Eurasian Business Council to congratulate the Kazakh entrepreneurs with a big step towards the development of the Kazakh content abroad. This is a great work of partner countries. I wish you successful work", -said Viktor Kambolov, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Business Council.

The best products of domestic entrepreneurs were demonstrated for the guests. On the first day, more than thirty different enterprises of the country were exhibited. This is the Academy of Fashion "Symbat" with a seventy-year history, a fashion house "Aida KaumeNOVA". In addition, tasty ginger bread from Tselinograd made by the ancient recipe "Dudarai", an exquisite homemade kurt with a recipe for export, a bright palette of canned food and pickles, home textiles and much more.

"Our pavilion will serve as an accessible platform for the metroplitan consumer. Here we will consolidate domestic producers to prepare our products for export. First of all, we will pay attention to the packaging, the name of the product, the quality and price of the product. Adhering to strict rules of standards, we will order domestic producers to enter the foreign market. Thus, we will achieve worldwide recognition of "Made in Kazakhstan" brand, where quality and reputation will be combined", said Rimma Tazhibaeva, the President of ULE "Halyk Markasy".

A new trading pavilion will be available to every commodity producer in the country. With its opening entrepreneurs will get a good opportunity to place their products in the center of the capital. The total area of ​​the three-level pavilion is 300 square meters.

In turn, the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Business Council noted the activity and responsibility of Kazakhstani entrepreneurs. "Now the Kazakhstani goods will directly enter the market of the countries of the participants and partners of the EAEU. When creating pavilions, we did not consider them as a business site, first of all, we want to really support commodity producers and to create a kind of package of the best goods, which will be subsequently presented on the external world market", - said Victor Kambolov.

Within the framework of the EAEU for promotion of goods of the participating countries in Moscow was opened a large shopping pavilion "Food city", where food products of the brand "Made in Kazakhstan" are very popular. A special interest was shown to dry koumiss of the brand "Saumal".


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