
Timur Kulibayev: "Locomotive of machine engineering will give the economy of Kazakhstan a new speed"

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Urgent issues of the development of mechanical engineering are again in the focus of attention of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken".

Prospects of breakthrough sectors and the general situation in the industry became the topic of discussion at the working meeting of Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", with the leadership of the Committee for Machine Building and Metalworking.

Machine building in Kazakhstan and its sub-sectors - oil and gas, mining, automotive, railway and agricultural machinery can and should become one of the main drivers of economic development. "Production of means of production" has always been the basis of the economic strength of any state. However, today the products of this industry account for the highest share of imports: the level of localization in the industry is extremely low, and existing projects are represented mainly by "screw-driver" production - assembly of locomotives, cars, combines, tractors, buses, construction equipment and so on.

Meanwhile, the head of the National Council noted that engineering, as a rule, gives the most powerful multiplicative effect for the development of related industries, multiplies employment of the population and, thereby, ensures high competitiveness of the country's economy.

"The first is the automotive industry. Market analysis and all calculations are in the Ministry of Industry. If we begin to produce one hundred thousand cars then it is possible to localize the production of automotive sheets, automotive rubber, glass and plastic. State protectionism measures, recycling charges and everything else make sense only at such volumes", - believes Timur Kulibayev.

The second set of issues, to which Timur Kulibayev drew attention to - agricultural machinery. Kazakhstan has huge sown areas in different climatic zones, which give exceptional advantages for the production of the most diverse environmentally friendly products of the agro-industrial complex. But the state of the park of agricultural machinery is extremely unsatisfactory. Agrarians partially satisfy the need for it through imports, but mainly Soviet technology has long been in use.

 The share of domestic producers of agricultural machinery is small - 5%. The problem lies in the fact that the enterprises are scattered throughout the territory of our large country, and their production plans are not coordinated.

"Today, it is advisable to organize deep localization of a specific model of one machine, for example, the same combine harvester, the localization level of which is not more than 10% - it is necessary to arrange the production of spare parts for it, attachments and localize maintenance of machinery", - said the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE.

Given the high importance of railway transport for the Kazakhstani economy, the products of railway engineering are very much in demand. Yes, the situation here is more positive: production of locomotives, passenger cars, etc. has been established in Kazakhstan. But it is necessary to solve the problem of industrial casting, in order to produce wheel pairs, rails and beams. Moreover, there is a stable consumer of such products on the domestic market as JSC NC "Kazakhstan temir zholy".

As for machine building for the oil and gas industry, it is possible to localize the production of drilling equipment and stop valves. The production of own oil pumps also looks promising. In the mining industry we should determine the list of products, which can also be localized in the country. The head of the National Council noted that there is a great potential for development, as all subsoil users have contracts and the state can use certain levers to encourage oil and mining companies to localize production in Kazakhstan.

Timur Kulibayev suggested that the experts of the National Council, together with the Government, MPs and relevant ministries, to work out options for solving the entire range of systemic problems in machine building, in each of its sectors specifically. The analytical material received should be submitted to the Government for consideration. At the same time, the topic of the need to create special structures in the system of state administration of industry was discussed, responding to the development of this capital-intensive industry, which requires close attention of the authorities.



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