
What kind of franchise can Kazakhstan offer?

- City of Almaty
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The first meeting of the Franch day Club was held at Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Kazakhstani Franchise Association "Kaz Franch" presented the Club for discussion of licensing issues. Budding businessmen will now receive the most complete and reliable information about finding profitable franchises, about what Kazakhstani brands are of interest to foreigners, and about other secrets of doing business. President of the Kazakhstani Franchise Association "Kaz Franch" Beknur Kisikov believes that the franchise has many advantages. The experience and knowledge that the company collected for decades, can be purchased for money. There is no need for large expenditures on advertising and promotion of the brand. This is a good option for those enterprises that are in a crisis situation, they can’t keep all their divisions and are forced to lease them. "Kazakhstan, in its majority, is a territory of sub-franchising. Direct franchises can be counted on the fingers. We have too small population density. And it is very difficult to get a franchise directly. Lyazzat Nabiyeva had to struggle for the license of the brand Toni & Guy. She prepared a powerful presentation, talked about Kazakhstan. But our businessmen should not get upset about this. Intercontinental Hotel in Almaty was opened through Turkey, Burger King, KFC through Russia. It's easier to take the brand, which has already adapted by the Russians than go directly to London, translate all the documentation, take on this work load", said Beksnur Kisikov. He also noted that the leaders in the sales of licenses for their brands are China - 4100 and the USA - 3700. At the same time, most of the franchises that the Chinese sell are in fact American. The business trainer of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Almaty Lyudmila Lazareva told the participants about the conditions on which it is better to buy franchises. "There is a franchise on a turn-key basis. This is when you buy everything completely. The franchisor finds you a room, establishes production, and concludes the necessary contracts. You pay money and you have a ready business. When it comes to a lump-sum fee, the franchisor sets everything up for you, if something goes wrong, then it no longer accountable. There is a classic franchise. This is one of the most non-popular species due to the strict framework. There, the presence of a lump-sum fee and royalty goes together. But after the termination of the contract, the right to a trademark is transferred to the franchisee", said Ludmila Lazareva. Speakers of the meeting noted that businessmen around the world are constantly studying the market and are ready to buy franchises from Kazakhstan. If a business develops successfully for many years, then the right to manufacture under this brand can be profitable to sell. Now in many countries, Mongolian restaurants and Central Asian teahouses are popular". The idea of ​​creating the Franch day Club arose long ago. But we were looking for the most effective way to work. Today, about fifty people came to listen to the speakers, and more people expressed their desire to participate in the next event. Such an interest in the Club is expressed by a large number of Almaty residents, who wish to start their own business. I am sure that the advice of professionals will help many to open a profitable business", - shared the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov. He also noted that business representatives can always consult the managers of the Centres for Servicing Entrepreneurs free of charge. Including in matters of obtaining a loan for the implementation of a business project for franchising.  

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