
Create conditions and protect domestic manufacturers

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The annual meeting of the Union of Poultry Breeders of Kazakhstan was held in Astana
President of the Poultry Union of Kazakhstan Ruslan Sharipov, opening the meeting, noted that for the development of the industry it is necessary to establish a full cycle of processing of products in accordance with international standards, only in this case we will be able to enter the competitive environment.

In this regard, the main goal of the development of the Union and the industry as a whole is the development of a strategy in new challenging conditions. These circumstances require us to reorganize the work. "First of all, it should be noted that the past year – 2016 was fruitful for the poultry industry, and the industry completed it with good indicators".

According to Ruslan Sharipov, the growth of poultry products is stipulated by state  support and in the interest of business to invest in the poultry industry. In recent years, state support has been increased 18 times. This support also contributed to the increase in the number of poultry farms. "Looking back we can say with great certainty that domestic poultry farming is reviving. Over the past six years, poultry production has increased by 67%, the marketable egg - 78%. This year it is expected that the total production of poultry meat will be 203.0 thousand tons, including poultry factories will produce 193 thousand tons, 6 billion commercial eggs, poultry factories will produce 5.1 billion pieces without taking into account the quail eggs".

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Scientific and Production Enterprise "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev addressed to the participants of the meeting with a warm greeting. According to him, the production of poultry products has always been one of the main branches of the economy, it accounts for about 40% of the volume of food products produced in the republic and more than 6% in the manufacturing industry. "In recent years, the number of poultry, as well as the production of poultry products in the republic, has shown steady growth. Thanks to measures of state support and stimulation, industrial poultry farming has become an attractive destination for investments, this is confirmed by the following facts: over the past ten years the poultry industry has grown by more than 87%, increasing from 14.5 million to 25.2 million heads at the beginning of this year".

Nurzhan Altaev also noted that the number of poultry farms has increased, all thanks to state support measures. "In order to make industrial poultry farming an attractive destination, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the Union of Poultry Farmers of Kazakhstan offered to include a waterfowl to purchase pedigree young poultry of the meat direction from domestic and foreign breeders and aquatic bird. And also to increase the standard from 400 to 600 tenge per head, which was also supported by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture supported our proposal to increase the standard for the acquisition of pedigree young offspring of the egg direction of the parent / ancestral form of domestic and foreign pedigree reproducers from 150 to 400 tenge per unit".

At the end of the meeting the participants agreed that for the further development of the industry it is necessary to create such conditions that it would be more profitable for them to produce poultry products than to import it from abroad. And the state must protect its producers. To do this, you can use special levers: quotas, tariffs, various requirements for the quality of products and compliance with veterinary and sanitary standards of safety.

The Union of Poultry Breeders of Kazakhstan appealed to the management of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" with the request to assist in solving the following issues.

First. Inclusion of costs for construction and installation works in the passport of investment projects for poultry farming in order to recover part of the costs.

Second. To apply to the Ministry of National Economy for preventing the reform of the special tax regime for enterprises of the agro-industrial complex during the implementation of the State Program and the preservation of the existing system in order to ensure the stability of taxation conditions.

Third. The inclusion in the Rules the subsidies for the development of livestock breeding, Improving the productivity and quality of livestock products, the norms allowing the SEC to agree volumes to be subsidized on the basis of approved production maps, in order to ensure transparency and reliability.


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