
The entrepreneurs of Almaty ask for access to land resources, infrastructure and trade places

- City of Almaty
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Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov namedd the main directions of development of regional entrepreneurship. Business of Almaty is represented by 160 885 operating subjects of small and medium business, in the last 5 years the indicator has grown almost 2 times. At the same time, in comparison with the last year the number of subjects decreased by 14%. Small and medium business of Almaty provide employment for two thirds of its economically active population, the share of SMEs in the structure of the economy of Kazakhstan reached 34%. The most popular business in Almaty are such activities as trade - 38.6%, other services - 16.3%, real estate operations - 11.3%. "Following the results of last year's conference of entrepreneurs, within the framework of which were discussed the most urgent problems of entrepreneurs, a joint agreement was signed with Almaty akimat. Certain results were achieved in respect of 20 points of the agreement out of 22. For example, suggestions were made and additional 200 billion were allocated to support small and medium businesses from the funds of JSC "ENPF"; campaign "Made in Kazakhstan" was successfully conducted in all trade networks; on was posted the general plan of development of Almaty with red lines  and engineering networks of the city; land and cadastral maps include information about occupied and vacant land, the systems of natural monopolies for monitoring of issuance of technical conditions were integrated with the system of RCE, SNM published on the websites information on water capacity, heat and gas, the personal responsibility of heads of state bodies for observation of local content in procurement was introduced ", - said Tulemis Shotanov. Work is continuing on monitoring and identifying systemic problems of entrepreneurship this year. As the latest survey shows, Almaty businessmen are deeply concerned with the problems of public procurement and marketing issues, access to infrastructure, land resources and sales places, training and development of human capital, lack of competence, assistance in obtaining business advice, connection to engineering and communications networks and prompt receipt of technical conditions. To ensure the loading of domestic enterprises through the procurement system in Almaty, a special commission for monitoring of local content in procurement of state bodies and national companies was established. 11 meetings were held, it covered 590 local producers, 10 state bodies and 295 subordinate organizations.

At the end of 2016, the share of Kazakh content in government procurement in Almaty increased 2-fold - from 28% to 54%, and the number of contracts executed in public procurement in 2016 amounted to 25.7 thousand in the amount of 22.6 billion tenge, compared to 2015 , 25.9 thousand contracts for the amount of 13.6 billion tenge. By the results of 2016 Almaty takes the third place in the RK (in 2015, the 7th place) by the share of local content in state procurements. In the purchases of JSC Samruk-Kazyna in Almaty, the share of Kazakh content was 68%, contracts were signed with subsidiaries for KZT670.4 billion KZT (395.8 billion KZTin 2015). In Almaty, there are problems with non-stationary trade. To solve this problem, it is proposed to implement Astana's regional program of 5,000 trade places through the following steps: the establishment of the Commission for Trade Regulation in Almaty with the participation of representatives of the business community, the compiling of a map of the deployment of all retail facilities in Almaty, the development of a clear order for provision of land for street trade, providing for an increase in the lease of land plots to 10 years, the adoption of unified rules for non-stationary trade with clear requirements And standards of trading places. Tulemis Shotanov also touched upon the issue of training modern and popular personnel, as mentioned in the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev. "Today, one of the most impressive VET systems operates in Almaty. It consists of 82 colleges (34 colleges - dual training) with a contingent of 61,000 students (2,296 students are enrolled in dual training). In order to identify the needs of personnel, 1,782 enterprises were interviewed. There is a steady need for personnel in the sphere of services, light and food industries, construction, furniture production (500 people based on the results of the survey of employers in 2016)”, - concluded Tulemis Shotanov.


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