
Yerlan Stambekov: "For a year the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty defended the rights of business for 5.4 billion tenge"

- City of Almaty
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Annual business conference was held in Almaty  The chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yerlan Stambekov spoke on the results of the activities of the Regional Chamber for the year at the annual business conference with the participation of the Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov and the Almaty akim Bauyrzhan Baibek. So, in 2016 the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty defended the property rights of business for 5.4 billion tenge, 163 appeals of entrepreneurs were resolved positively, 59 positive judicial acts were ruled out. "Turning to the analysis of complaints received from entrepreneurs, for the whole period of the Chamber's activity, one can see the following picture.

Issues in the sphere of tax offenses are 20%, disputes between entrepreneurs - 14%, land issues, architecture and construction - 10%, procurements - 7%, licenses and permits - 4%, financial sector - 4%, transport - 3%. The main mechanisms for resolving the identified problematic issues of entrepreneurs are continuous and active joint work with authorized state bodies, within the framework of consultative deliberative bodies, joint meetings, and clubs created on the basis of the Chamber by interests, involving interested persons", - said Yerlan Stambekov. Currently, representatives of the Chamber take part in 20 key CAB, affecting business interests, which include representatives from business and government agencies, the common task today is to bring qualitative composition of CAB to the level of 50% of business participation. It should be noted that the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty closely cooperates with the city akimat and joint work in the direction of improving the conditions for business is conducted in a continuous manner. On an ongoing basis, an analysis is conducted of the needs of entrepreneurs in production facilities, with a view to more optimal organization of auction processes in pursuance of Article 48 of the Land Code for the organization of auctions. In 2016, 16 meetings of the Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights were held, 41 issues were considered.

 Among the examples of positively solved issues is the problem of SP Tulendieva. The state body violated the entrepreneur's rights to issue an Architectural and Planning Assignment for the construction of a store. The entrepreneur from July 2014 could not achieve the execution of the judicial act, according to which the Department of Architecture is obliged to give her an architectural and planning task for the construction of the store. At present, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Almaty city issued SP Tulendiyeva APA number 429. As mentioned above, to improve the business environment and take into account the views of the business community, the Chamber of Accountants has been established under the Chamber. The main goal of its creation is to promote professional training and professional development of accountants in the field of taxation, accounting, financial reporting. Interestingly, if you look at the statistics of appeals, their share of tax issues decreased from 28% (405) in 2015 to 20% (238) in 2016, and the number of appeals for clarifying tax legislation decreased from 119 in 2015 to 56 in 2016 Or more than twice. These figures are bright illustrators of the Chamber's work. In this vein, their positive balance can be demonstrated in improving Kazakhstan's position in the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, where Kazakhstan climbed 16 positions (from 51st to 35th place), and measurements in the rating are made, as is known, in Almaty.


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