
To attention of manufacturers and consumers of herbicides!

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An anti-dumping investigation has been initiated for herbicides originating in the European Union. The Department of Economic Integration of NCE "Atameken" informs that on 16th of January 2017, the Department for Protection of the Internal Market of the Eurasian Economic Commission decided to launch an antidumping investigation for herbicides (HS code 380893), originating from the European Union and imported into the customs territory of the EAEU. In accordance with the EAEU Treaty, interested persons have the right to submit to the EEC Department their comments and information relevant to the investigation: in writing, in Russian, in confidential and non-confidential versions. An interested person in the investigation are recognized producers, consumers, as well as importers of the goods in question. Producers and consumers, in order to protect their interests, can submit documents and information pertaining to the investigation, participate in consultations with the authorized body and other participants in the investigation. The Department of Economic Integration draws attention to the fact that the anti-dumping measure can be applied to the goods when establishing the following facts within the framework of the investigation: - the goods are delivered to the EAEU at dumping prices; - the branch of the economy of the Union causes material damage or there is a threat of causing such damage; - there is a causal relationship between dumped imports and material damage caused to the economy of the Union. In this regard, the presentation of information and cooperation are extremely important factors in the conclusion of the investigation, since their absence can have negative consequences, namely the issuance of a preliminary and final conclusion on the basis of another information available to the Department of EEC. Taking into account that the import volume of herbicides from the European Union is 30% of the total import to the Republic of Kazakhstan (3.8 thousand tons for the amount of 25 million USD), as well as the availability of herbicide production in Kazakhstan, the results of the investigation can influence the conditions of the Kazakhstani herbicide market. In this regard, in case of availability of proposals and information relevant during the anti-dumping investigation, please send information to the Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK "Atameken": by telephone: 8 (7172) 919 373, e-mail:



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