
Problems of Kostanay business under control of NCE

- Kostanay Region
5575 просмотров

NCE "Atameken" asked the Government to save the unsecured scheme of lending for spring field and harvesting works. The final decision will be announced within the next two weeks. This was stated by the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov at a meeting of the Regional Council held in Kostanay. Alexander Borodin, director of LLP Zuevka, recalled the problem that concerns most agricultural producers in the region. "Earlier, sowing and harvesting campaign was financed through JSC "NC"Food Corporation", where the guarantor was SEC "Tobol". Since 2017, bank guarantees are required. But now many farms have no collateral! They simply do not have the means to purchase fuel and lubricants. And there was only a month left ... ", - stressed Alexander Borodin. "We have been on the alert since January on this issue. Many examples of Kazakhstan, collective complaints from the regions come. The Minister of Agriculture assured us that they will try to resolve this issue within two weeks. Of course, the program is new, a lot of roughness. We, too, believe that this is a hasty decision to switch to mortgage lending. It is necessary, after all, gradually", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov. Taking this opportunity, Alexander Borodin thanked for the active support of the branch from the side of the National Chamber.  "A very different reaction among state bodies. Now, as soon as we say that we will write to NCE, we are often told do not apply, we will do everything! ". The head of TPK "Karasu", Almat Tursunov, spoke about the difficulties in the export of meat products to the Russian Federation. They arise due to the fact that in the region only one of the 17 existing veterinary laboratories has been accredited and only in it it is possible to draw up documents".  It takes up to ten days to issue it in Russia. Because of this, we can’t sell chilled meat, which has a shelf life of only 3-7 days. Is it really impossible to accredit all the laboratories in the region so that there are no such questions? "- inquired Almat Tursunov. Rustem Kurmanov, the director of the department of the agro-industrial complex and food industry of NCE noted that the issue is also being processed and this year it is planned to accredit another laboratory in the Karabalyk district. The rest is studied profitability. They try to find out if the costs for accreditation will pay back. Although, as Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted, these are budget issues and business should not suffer from this. Rustem Kurmanov also promised to assist in solving the problem of subsidizing the seeds of the first reproduction in order to exclude the threat of closure of seed farms in the region. The logical continuation was a clash of interests of Kostanay enterprises and JSC "Center for Transport Services". Let's remind, earlier the business complained that the monopolist unilaterally terminated the contract and established tariffs according to the new calculations approved in the KREMIZK. As a result, the financial burden on entrepreneurs increased several times. "Of course, it is an absurd situation, it is easier to put a barrier and to start "milking " someone.  We and the management of JSC NC "KTZh" conveyed to the Transport Service Center how this fragmentation ended up. Therefore, we have now turned to the leadership of the Committee for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and will try to make sure that the cancellation was a decision to raise tariffs. There they have already requested all the documents. We will control and tell you in the coming days, how the question is being solved", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.


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