
The student hall named after the Council of Businesswomen of Astana was opened at Kazakh State University

- City of Astana
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The Astana Business Council of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" has a nominal student hall at Kazakh State Law University. This event was timed to coincide with the First birthday of the Corporate Foundation "Endowment KAZSLU". The Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of the Capital Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Bagila Bisembaeva, noted that the Council of Businesswomen was given the opportunity to open a nominal audience within the walls of one of the best universities in our country and to be a participant in such a unique project aimed at the development and improvement of education in the country. Within the framework of the previously signed Memorandum on cooperation in the field of education between KAZSLU and the Council of Business Women, the nominal audience will be an excellent platform for conducting training sessions, seminars, organization of master classes by the members of the CBW for students of the Kazakh State Law University. In addition, the Council for support of women's entrepreneurship announced the holding of a contest among women entrepreneurs in Astana on awarding two educational grants to the winners of the Kazakh State Law University - a grant for training within the specialty "Master of Business Administration" and training in the specialty of DLC (jurisprudence, international Law, economics, finance, accounting and auditing). The competition started on 3rd of April and will end on 31st of May 2017. Terms of the contest are posted on the official website of JSC "Kazakh State Law University" -


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