
Palymbetov Bolat: "A full understanding on the part of local authorities – is the key to business success"

- City of Shymkent
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         The Business Ombudsman met with the entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan

         This is the second visit of the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov to SKR.

         Bolat Palymbetov was pleasantly surprised that during this visit the number of business willing to attend the personal reception was much less than last year. Most of them raised systemic issues that require intervention at the legislative level. The business Ombudsman noted that Astana receive less complaints from entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan, which is a clear sign that the problems are resolved immediately in the regions. And after talking with the regional Akim and the Prosecutor, I came to the conclusion that the business of the South Kazakhstan is lucky – as people that support entrepreneurial initiative, and protect business are managing the region. Both heads of regions have expressed interest in the active development of entrepreneurship and readiness to meet the challenges of local businessmen.

         Positive resolutions of the pressing issues of entrepreneurs prove the fact that the Institute of Business Ombudsman is a really efficient structure and a real force in the protection of business interests, when the Business Ombudsman was getting involved in the achievement of a positive result. The most striking example is the criminal case of pseudo-entrepreneurship, which through the intervention of the Ombudsman was decided in favor of business. This case set a precedent in Kazakhstan.


          At the meeting with entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov noted the positive aspects of business development in SKR and outlined some of the indicators over the past 2016. Thus, the analysis of the data shows the increase in industry in comparison with 2015 by 108 billion tenge. The share of GDP of Kazakhstan shows growth of 13% (in 2015 – 1, 7 billion tenge, in 2016 – 1, 95 billion).

         In an independent rating of "Business climate" in 2016, South Kazakhstan region took 3rd place among the 16 regions in total scoring 2.97 points out of 4 possible, thus improving its performance by 3 points (the region took the 6th place in 2015).

         However, as it was noted by Palymbetov, there are a number of problems hindering business development in SKR. First of all, it reflects the number of existing small businesses, which over the year fell by more than 24 thousand units.

         Almost 3.5 times decreased the number of land plots provided through a competitive bidding. The result of conducted biddings for granting land plots are too poor. 7 biddings were held, while 32 were held in 2015. Last year in South Kazakhstan region there has not been any biddings for granting rights to land.

         The Business Ombudsman also raised the issue of the lack of freely available information on available land plots. The local Executive bodies do not comply with the requirement to publish information on the General Plans of settlements and the detailed design plans, which prevents a more active development of business initiatives in South Kazakhstan region.

As it was noted by the Director of the Department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers "Atameken" Yerbol Ustemirov, who took part in the meeting, among the most corrupt bodies in the region, according to a survey of entrepreneurs are the Department of state architecture and construction control, the Department of land relations and territorial bodies of SES, transport control, tax service.

"The factors that have the greatest influence on the origins of corruption, the large number of claims, unenforceable obligations or administrative procedures of state agencies, a large number of claims and high price of permits", - said E. Ustemirov.

          At the meeting, the Business Ombudsman discussed with the local entities of large business the systematic problems in the field of food industry, cotton growing, poultry farming and fishing industry.

         At a personal reception entrepreneurs have raised questions on unfulfilled financial obligations of the Ministry of agriculture (investment subsidies) that arose with the emergence of the new state program of development of agriculture of Kazakhstan, announced the facts of illegal actions of officials of bodies of state revenues, local executive bodies, as well as issues associated with the demolition of commercial buildings and structures in Saryagash district.

         Bolat Palymbetov noted that every question is taken on personal control. No issue, which has been here, will remain without attention.


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