
Access to foreign markets is real!

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NCE RK "Atameken" is ready to establish the necessary contacts, work out and provide the necessary information to the business, which is ready to export its products. This thesis the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev was key at the forum "Prospects for the export of agricultural products of the West Kazakhstan region" , which took place in Uralsk on the site of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University. The Forum was opened by the Akim of the WKR Altai Kulginov. He noted that agriculture in the West Kazakhstan region has traditionally been a priority. "We are seeing growth in output in some sectors of the region's agriculture, especially in animal husbandry", - said the akim of the region, "so the discussion of the prospects for the export of agricultural products is very important now. In this regard, the arrival of Nurzhan Bauyrzhanovich to us in the region is crucial. He is directly involved in the development of projects for the export of Kazakh producers' products, visited China, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Iran as part of the Kazakhstani delegation. And we can learn firsthand about the prospects and possibilities of exporting our products from the first mouth". The markets of China, the Persian Gulf, Iran, Israel are opening for the export of Kazakh agricultural products", - said Nurzhan Altayev. - Our advantage is the ecological compatibility of the products. These countries are ready to buy large volumes of lamb, beef, honey, lentils, vegetable oil, chicken eggs and other products. "But, according to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE, there are also obstacles that manufacturers sometimes can’t solve alone. The most important thing that our enterprises face is timing, quality and quantity. Requirements for quality of products from potential buyers are very high, enterprises must withstand a kind of examination for compliance with the standards. In addition, the requirements for volume and cyclicity are not always in the hands of Kazakhstani agricultural producers. "And here NCE, together with the Government, is actively working to support export-oriented enterprises", - said Nurzhan Altaev. - So, we are actively working to remove barriers to those types of products, for which there are now certain restrictions. Headed by Vice-Premier A. Myrzakhmetov, they paid a number of visits to the countries - potential importers of our products, and relevant  agreements were reached. The issues of the possibility of consolidation of Kazakhstani producers, removal of restrictions on import of Kazakhstan agricultural products and food industry to China are being studied. At the moment, it is possible to export oil products, grain, fish meat. In 2017, it will be possible to export meat and honey. Possible projects for the export of Kazakh products to the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Iran are under consideration. " The interest and activity of the region's entrepreneurs at the forum was very high, said the director of LLP “Kubley” Talgat Berekeshev, director of LLP “Zhayik Et” Temirgali Eskendirov, director of Confectionary Factory “KAZKON”  Marat Kazhenov, director of LLP “Ural Poultry Factory” Talan Urazgaleev and others . In particular, the director of LLP "Kubley" Talagat Berekeshev confirmed the opinion of the vice-president of NCE that it is necessary not to go out alone for export, as, most likely, you will collide with resellers. The issues of the possibility of cooperation between enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region were raised by the director of LLP "Zhayik-Et" Temirgali Eskendirov and the director of WKR Chamber of Entrepreneurs Nurlan Kairshin. Nurzhan Altaev also talked about the development of Road Maps for the development of agriculture. "We need to identify and define all the priorities, features, problems, pitfalls of each of the agricultural production sectors, and develop the main lines of work on them". "Western Kazakhstan has great potential", - said Nurzhan Altaev, summing up the forum. - You have a unique geographical position, excellent climatic conditions, traditionally developed agriculture and, importantly, support to the leadership of the region. Therefore, the access to foreign markets to the far abroad is real in the near future".


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