
The heads of EAEU states will discuss the main economic guidelines in Bishkek

- City of Astana
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The main guidelines of EAEU macroeconomic policy for 2017-2018 will be discussed in Bishkek on 14th of April 2017. The next session of the highest body of the Union at the level of the heads of the EAEU member states will be held in Bishkek. During the meeting it is planned to discuss key areas of cooperation, the most significant issues of multilateral cooperation of the member states of the Union, according to the earlier defined vectors of the development of Eurasian integration. The members of the Board (ministers) of the Commission from the Republic of Kazakhstan will be approved within the framework of today's meeting of the leaders of the countries, who will lead the blocks on competition regulation, as well as financial policy and business activities. One of the most important issues for business is the changes introduced into the Rules of Procedure of the Eurasian Commission, in view of the signing of the Customs Code of the EAEU. According to the changes, the Council is given additional powers to solve the most important issues in the sphere of customs regulation, as well as to supplement the list of sensitive issues on which decisions of the Board of the Commission will be adopted by consensus. It is also planned to consider the main directions of the Union's international activities in 2015-2016. It should be noted that the work carried out in this direction envisages interaction with the trade and economic partners of the EAEU in order to promote the integration processes and further innovative development of the EAEU as a competitive international organization. In order to improve the macroeconomic situation of the member states of the Union, it is proposed to endorse the main macroeconomic policy guidelines for 2017-2018, developed on the basis of the analysis of the results of the social and economic development of the EAEU countries. The results of the meeting should serve as a new impetus in the development and deepening of integration processes in the Eurasian space, strengthening of friendly relations on the common path to new achievements of the economic Union. The heads of the states of Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia will take part in the meeting.

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