
The problematic issues of private medical organizations were discussed at a meeting in the Mazhilis

- City of Astana
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On 21st of April 2017 was held a joint meeting of the Social Council at the Nur Otan Faction and the Committee for Social and Cultural Development of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the status and prospects for the development of private medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lyazzat Aktayeva, deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the RK, member of the Social Council at the fraction of the party "Nur Otan" Zauresh Amanzholova, deputy chairman of the management board of NCE RK "Atameken" Yulia Yakupbaeva, heads of industry associations - medical institutions, "ALE" Association of international pharmaceutical manufacturers in the Republic of Kazakhstan "), as well as managers of private medical institutions LLC "Medical company Sunkar" and LLP" Center hemeologii". Yuliya Yakupbaeva at the beginning of her speech spoke about the state of private medicine. "Today, in the Republic function private medical institutions equipped with modern expensive medical equipment, qualified personnel, who are currently providing high-quality medical care for different types of services. At the same time, the share of the public sector is still high - 72.8% (2,498 medical organizations). The share of the non-state sector remains low: only 27.2%, 1102 medical organizations, including 941 outpatient organizations (85.3%), and 161 hospitals (14.6%). (...) The share of private providers of services of SGBP increased from 0 in 2009 to 27.4% in 2014", - said Yakupbaeva. In her speech Y. Yakupbaeva drew attention to the problems faced by entrepreneurs providing medical services. "One of the problematic issues often raised by entrepreneurs is the imperfection of construction and sanitary norms and rules to health facilities", said the vice-chairman of the Board. It should be noted that under the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of MID RK, there is the Working Group on Optimizing the Requirements of Building Norms and Rules for Health Objects, which includes representatives from the RK, the Ministry of Health and private medical organizations. Within the framework of the Working Group, about 70 proposals of NCE RK, regarding optimization of the areas and composition of the facilities of medical and preventive organizations, were adopted. Sanitary rules for health facilities are now being launched, and we hope to optimize existing rules taking into account modern realities", - added the speaker. In addition, Yuliya Yakupbaeva classified all problems. Problems of private medical organizations: 1. unequal access of private medical organizations to the state order. Until now, state organizations have a preemptive right to SGBP, and private organizations - on a residual basis; 2. tariffs for medical services do not cover all costs and are not attractive for investors, since depreciation expenses of fixed assets, expenses for the acquisition of expensive equipment (over KZT 5 million), capital and current repairs, interest on bank loans are not taken into account. While, state medical organizations have economic advantages: 1) the cost of funding. State medical organizations provide paid services, using equipment, consumables, time and labor resources, financing of which is carried out within the framework of SGBP. Private owners cover all items of expenditure from market sources of financing; 2) pricing. When the price is formed in private medical organizations, all items of expenditure are taken into account. When the price is formed in public clinics, the value of fixed assets, their maintenance, costs for maintenance personnel is not included in the cost of paid services, which leads to an underestimation of the cost of medical services. 3) the issue of integrating the information systems of medical organizations with subsystems of the Unified Health Information System (UHIS). Currently, there is no integration between the various UHIS portals. In connection with this, health organizations involved in providing medical care in the framework of SGBP have to work in several information programs (more than 20 portals). In connection with the implementation of CMIS, there is an urgent need for an effective information system that ensures that contributions and contributions are recorded on the basis of an individual identification number and allows medical organizations to see online all the necessary operational information.  In this regard, the National Chamber suggests: to take into account the resources of private medical organizations in the formation of assistance in the provision of SGBP and CMIS; provide for a co-payment mechanism at the level of a combination of CMIS and VMI or, if the patient wishes, a combination of CMIS and private payments; revise the mechanism of tariff formation of medical services with the definition of cost elements; introduce the patient's electronic passport until 2018; introduce a multifunctional information system capable of performing functions of clear control over the receipt and expenditure of financial resources of CMIS until 2018; accelerate the introduction of changes in construction and sanitary norms and rules for health facilities. "Based on the successful experience of economically developed countries, where private medical practice occupies a significant market share and has become an integral part of it, we can say with confidence that the development of the private health sector can be an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of the entire health system and the availability of quality health care for a significant part of the population", - noted Y. Yakupbaeva.

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