
We need to support domestic producers through procurement - Nurzhan Altaev

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Last year was hard for domestic enterprises

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", Nurzhan Altayev, dwelled more on the support of the domestic commodity producer (hereinafter referred to as "domestic producers") in procurements.

"Analyzing the available data on procurement plans for 2017, we decided that the total volume of procurements in the eight specified sectors is about 1.5 trillion tenge. And this is only procurement of goods.

Three quarters of this volume (more than 1 trillion tenge) account for the purchase of engineering products and metalworking and refined products. Furniture procurement accounts for 12.6 billion KZT, but even this amount is very attractive for domestic furniture manufacturers", - said Altaev during the speech.

The speaker believes that we need to support domestic producers through procurement of state and quasi-public sector, and also through procurements of subsoil users.

"We all know that last year was hard for domestic enterprises. The situation requires operational support measures from domestic producers, more precisely concrete steps of a point nature. In this regard, we first of all decided to analyze the actual and potential role of state and quasi-public purchases in the economy. Based on the results of the analysis, NCE identified a number of systemic problems that prevent domestic enterprises from fully utilizing the potential of the volume of purchases. This is lack of information and stability of procurement plans, the need for unified approaches in procurement, the need for unified approaches, strengthening of local content control, the stability of uniform codification, as well as issues requiring legislative changes", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

The problems of import substitution and increasing competitiveness are divided into 3 stages of implementation.

-Lack of information and stability of procurement plans

-The need for uniform approaches in procurement

-The need for a unified approach to the prequalification of potential suppliers

Currently, public procurement standards have been developed only for the construction of high-complexity facilities, but has not been put into operation because of technical problems.

Prequalification is the procedure for evaluating potential suppliers, confirming the entrepreneur's ability to perform certain types of work, services, to produce certain goods, in accordance with established qualification requirements.

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