
Timur Kulibayev assured that the experience of agricultural cooperatives will be presented to the Government

- Zhambyl Region
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NCE RK "Atameken" is ready to present the experience of production cooperatives to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for distribution throughout the country

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev paid a working visit to the enterprises of the South Kazakhstan region and met with businessmen to discuss local problems.

During the trip, Timur Kulibayev was shown two pilot projects implemented in the Ordabasy district - LLP "Borte Milka" and "Ordabasy Kus". The Borte Milka complex is the only robotic dairy farm in the South Kazakhstan region and is one of the three most modern dairy farms in the republic. Currently, there are 408 milk cows of Holstein dairy cows breed, the total number of cows along with calves is more than 700. The farm has the most modern equipment of the Swedish production: the cooling system of cows on the feeding table, the ventilation system with a weather station, a chamber for determining the fatness of cows and a milk pipe with milking machines. In addition, a chip is installed in the ear of each cow, along which the robot reads all the data. The average daily yield of one cow is 30-32 liters of milk. Record milk yields reach 50 liters of milk per day from one cow.

Agricultural producers pointed out that in connection with limited water resources associated with outdated water supply systems of aquaculture, the development of crop production is slowing down. Cultivated areas of agricultural crops annually increase by 5 thousand hectares, and the sources of water irrigation are not added, and they are also decreasing. Entrepreneurs asked to solve the problem of water supply of SKR at the highest level.

Another project, demonstrated by Timur Kulibayev, was the company Ordabasy Kus. This is one of the most modern complexes on the territory of the EAEU, the first and so far the only project for growing turkeys in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. More than 40% of the production is exported to the European Union.

Today LLP Ordabasy Kus is a sample of an anchor project aimed at cooperating agricultural enterprises with the creation of a machine and tractor station (MTS) equipped with the most modern machinery. Peasant farms are offered a convenient scheme of work: they order the services of the station, which plows, sows its fields and harvests. And payment for works can be made in autumn, including by giving away the part of the harvest. Thus, without spending a penny of their means, the peasant earns a profit. This cooperation project is carried out entirely under the patronage of the South Kazakhstan Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

The company plans to create a regional cluster, which would include peasant farms and enterprises engaged in the production of mixed fodders, and cooperatives that specialize in the fattening and processing of poultry meat. On the territory of 50 hectares, 25 poultry houses will be established for fattening turkeys. Ordabasykus will supply mixed fodders for these poultry houses and provide veterinary services. In general, poultry farms plan to produce up to 10 thousand tons of poultry meat. The construction of a new settlement is expected to create a cluster, whose residents will receive guaranteed work in a new high-tech production.

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev highly appreciated the project on cooperation, demonstrated on the basis of LLP "Ordabasy Kus".

"It's not a secret that the peasants have a common opinion that if they enter cooperatives with their land allotments, they eventually lose their shares", - he said. - Today the project is clearly demonstrated when small peasant farms are united in production cooperatives. If this pilot project is successfully tested in SKR, then we are ready to present this experience to the Government of the Republic in order to distribute it throughout the country".

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