
Business of Zhambyl region needs long and affordable money - NCE

- Zhambyl Region
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Business constantly raises questions of additional funding

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev visited the city-forming enterprise and met with businessmen of the Zhambyl region. During the visit, he visited Taraz branch of the plant "Mineral Fertilizers" LLP Kazphosphate.

Director of the enterprise Isayev Tolepbek familiarized the guests with the chemical plant for the production of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers and sulfuric acid. The plant's capacity is 852 thousand tons per year. The presentation of this project took place in December 2016 during the Teleconference with the participation of the Head of State. Then, together with the Akim of Zhambyl region, Karim Kokrekbaev, the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" took part in the enlarged meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region, which took place in the building of the historical and cultural center "KoneTaraz".

During the meeting, Timur Kulibayev and entrepreneurs of the region discussed the problems and perspective directions for supporting regional business. The participants of the meeting were the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Abay Myrzakhmetov, Member of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov, Head of the Secretariat of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Lazzat Ramazanova. The deputy akim of Zhambyl region, heads of departments, financial organizations, law enforcement bodies took part in the meeting. The business community was represented by the Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region, the General Director of LLP Kazphosphate Mukash Iskandirov, the members of the Regional Council, the Acting President. Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region Aspandiyar Seisebaev, as well as entrepreneurs of the region.

"For each region, we compile a list of enterprises of bona fide commodity producers, we will support them during public procurement and procurement of the quasi-public sector", - said Timur Kulibayev. - We should use this list when purchasing National Companies. In this issue we can’t do without the support of the akimat, full support and dialogue is needed".

Akim of Zhambyl region Karim Kokrekbayev, who was in solidarity with Timur Kulibayev in providing comprehensive support to business and cooperation with RCE, told about the development of entrepreneurship in the region. According to him, the decrease in the number of businessmen is not an indicator of the crisis, since it occurred due to the enlargement of peasant farms.

"In the framework of the Business Roadmap 2020 program in 2016, 195 projects for a total of 25.6 billion KZT were supported within the instrument "Interest Rate Subsidy", and 70 projects for the total amount of the guarantee were supported with the instrument "Providing guarantees on bank loans" 564,7 million tenge, with the instrument "Development of industrial (industrial) infrastructure" 13 projects for a total of 1,922.8 million KZT were supported", - said the head of the region.

Participants also discussed thoroughly issues of tourism. It should be recalled that the Tourist Information Center was established jointly by the regional akimat and the Regional Chamber.

"We gave instructions to our directorate to work together with akimats to work out a list of cultural, historical, natural places for visiting tourists. As a result, we must see what gets into the republican map, and what's in the regional map. Those objects that will be included in the republican map, the state must build the engineering networks, and then it is work for small and medium-sized businesses, for example, to organize a small hotel, a cafe, etc. Such interaction will lead to a rise in the level of attendance of the region, - said Timur Kulibayev. "We have a place to rest, tourism is the right accent, and we will work with the akimat".

The deputy chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov, made a report on the problems of Zhambyl business.

"In 2016, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region received 217 applications from business entities, 43% of them were solved positively for a total of 1.1 billion KZT", he said.

Tulemis Shotanov announced the key barriers in the region for business - access to financial resources, problems with the sale of products, access to infrastructure and a shortage of qualified specialists.

Last year, LLP Microfinance organization Atameken Taraz, which was created by NCE RK Atameken and Akimat of Zhambyl region has already issued 34 loans in the amount of 265 million KZT. Today, the MFO has a pool of 109 applications for a total of 925 million tenge. With the purpose of accessibility of financial resources for small businesses in rural areas and start-up projects, it is proposed to increase the amount of funding for MFO under the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship to 700 million tenge, and also to lay funding for the following years in the amount of not less than 1 billion tenge.

"Most small and medium-sized businesses operate in such sectors as agriculture, trade and services. This is a clearly expressed agricultural region and it is clear that entrepreneurs need long and affordable money. (...) Business constantly raises questions on additional funding, MFOs have a pool of 109 applications for a total of KZT 925 million, they require additional financing. We know that in 2017 about 300 million tenge were allocated from the regional budget for the purchase of agricultural equipment. In addition, according to the information available to us, another 600 million, but through the Program of productive employment, it was possible to allocate more funds", - added Tulemis Shotanov.

Entrepreneurs who took part in the event had the opportunity to ask questions of interest, as well as to voice the existing problems. All voiced questions and problems, and their possible solution, were taken under control.

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