
Issues of prequalification selection of Samruk-Kazyna were discussed at Atameken

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Business representatives made their proposals regarding prequalification

On 11th of May this year at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" under the chairmanship of A.I. Myrzakhmetov was held a meeting on some issues of prequalification of JSC "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna ".

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Fund Samruk-Kazyna, domestic commodity producers in the machine-building, light and furniture industries, as well as manufacturers of building materials.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Management Board of NCE RK "Atameken" noted the fundamental importance of the ongoing joint work with the Government of Kazakhstan and the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" in order to enhance the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's commodity producers.

Since December 2015, the Fund Samruk-Kazyna has been developing and gradually introducing a new model of procurement activities within the framework of the transformation. In May 2016, the Prequalification Selection System (PSS) was introduced. The stated advantages of PSS of "Samruk-Kazyna" are participation in procurements without confirmation of qualification during each purchase, exemption from payment of security during application for participation in the tender in the amount of 1% of the purchase amount, as well as absence of notarization of documents.

Since April 2017, purchases have been carried out using PSS in the pilot mode for 64 items of goods (32), works (12) and services (20). At the moment, 167 organizations from 580 selected candidates have passed the selection according to these positions. As it was noted by the head of the control and security service of JSC Samruk-Kazyna Zhumagali Munzhasarov noted, it is planned to carry out all procurements in the future with the use of prequalification.

At the same time, during the meeting, representatives of business associations, enterprises and plants, including from the regions of Kazakhstan, asked questions of interest to them and applied with proposals regarding the registration of the requirement for the availability of the Industrial Certificate at all levels of criticality of PSS and the inclusion of compliance with quality standards, defined by individual customers, as well as international standards, as an additional advantage in procurement. According to the producers themselves, this will serve to increase the competitiveness of Kazakhstani products.

In addition, domestic entrepreneurs separately focused on the policy of procurement by the Fund within the framework of intercompany cooperation. In the opinion of enterprises, transparency in the procurement of the Fund should be enhanced. NCE was asked to revise the criteria for procurement within the framework of intra-company cooperation. In the event that the purchased goods are present in a competitive market, the National Chamber offers to exclude the possibility of procurement within the Holding.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov also noted that the problem of "sharpening" technical specifications for a certain bidder is one of the main problems in the procurement sphere. Considering that the human factor is the key aspect of the problem, NCE proposes to work out measures for its elimination by automating the process of forming technical specifications.

In this connection, at the invitation of NCE, Viktor Devatitsa - Director of the Center for Identification Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, took part in the meeting. He told about the system of the certification of goods in the Republic of Belarus and the possibilities of its application in the fight against "adjustment" of tender documents during procurement.

Summing up the meeting, the Chairman of the National Chamber noted that the proposals announced by the business will be taken into account and sent in the form of recommendations to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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