
Timur Kulibayev paid a working visit to the industrial enterprises of Uralsk

- West Kazakhstan Region
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Timur Kulibayev got acquainted with the production of Uralsk enterprises

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev arrived with a working trip to the West Kazakhstan region. First of all, Timur Kulibayev got acquainted with the state of affairs at the enterprises of Uralsk.

The first object is the Ural commercial and industrial company. It was founded in 1981, in 2003 - reorganized into a private limited company, and a few years ago the enterprise carried out a large modernization of production, installed new imported equipment. Now the enterprise can process up to 30 thousand tons of polyethylene per year and produce pipes of different diameters for water, gas and sewerage.

This is the first Kazakhstani company that has established the production of pipes made of polyethylene with a diameter of 1600 millimeters. Today, the plant's productive capacity is 300,000 tons of polyethylene per year. The production of products meets all high technological requirements and standards.

The head of the company Valery Krylov noted the significant support of Atameken. The plant was able to get support in the framework of the Business Roadmap 2020 program to subsidize the interest rate by almost 650 million tenge. He noted that this is a significant aid that promotes competitiveness in the market, which is very important in our time.

The second production site is the Ural Transformer Plant. Just 5 years ago it was launched within the framework of SPFIID and its main activity is the production of distributive oil and dry transformers of high power, as well as traction transformers with a production volume of up to 10 thousand pieces per year.

According to the director of the enterprise Akzhol Sauranbayev, last year the transformer plant established a joint venture with foreign investors and signed a memorandum on the production of electrical equipment, which allows to increase almost twice the number of jobs, as well as expand the geography of production exports. In addition to Russia, the plant plans to export its products to Iran, Afghanistan and other countries of the world.

The Head of NCE visited the branch of JSC "Halyk Bank", which has the largest network of ATMs and multi-kiosks in the region. In addition, Halyk Bank covers almost 90% of the region's population. The director of the regional branch Vadim Kablov told the Chairman of the Presidium in detail about the branch network of the bank.

Timur Kulibayev was concerned about the unstable economic situation in the country, which, in one way or another, affected entrepreneurs.

However, according to the head of the regional network of the bank, a difficult economic situation affected the average business in the region, but not so significantly as for small businesses. Having added that after the undertaken measures of restructuring of the banking system the situation is slowly but surely improves.

The next working visit of Timur Kulibayev will take place in Atyrau region, the Chairman of the Presidium will visit the enterprises of the region and meet with the business community.

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