
Business Ombudsman put down the problems of entrepreneurs of Kokshetau

- Akmola Region
6627 просмотров

The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, Bolat Palymbetov paid a visit to Akmola region. Entrepreneurs of the region were able to contact directly the Business Ombudsman to discuss violations of their rights and systemic problems.

If we summarize the essence of entrepreneurs' appeals, we can deduce one regularity: complaints against officials, delays of consideration, creation of various barriers to officials, often artificial ones.

The dispute lasts for years …

For example, Bolat Palimbetov described the situation with LLP Insekt, which lasts more than a year, as an absurd.

Since January 2016 the company can’t sign a state act for the commissioning of a fire station in Kokshetau, the contract for the construction of which was concluded with the Fire Fighting and Emergency Service of the Emergency Department of the Akmola region. The situation is really interesting. In September of last year was held an official opening of the depot with the participation of the first persons of the region, however, soon all the acts of performed works submitted by the contract organization were ignored and relevant authorities started to play fool.

"We will help. This arbitrariness, "- categorically stated the business ombudsman, instructing to connect the prosecutor's office, anti-corruption service and other relevant departments to this issue.

It was decided to take measures of the prosecutor's response on the instructions of Bolat Palymbetov against officials who committed arbitrariness in relation to LLP “Toy Dastarkhan”. Having handed the company an order to carry out the inspection within a month and a half, the tax inspectors, without notifying them in advance, actually checked the company for a year (!). Moreover, on the basis of inspections, the company was subjected to double taxation. All this combined could not but affect the efficiency of production.

Again the case of pseudo-entrepreneurs

The Business Ombudsman controls the appeal of a whole group of entrepreneurs on pseudo-entrepreneurship. In fact, their complaints are identical. Taxes, using information from the database of enterprises that have recently been re-registered, due to their sale or change of manager, or who are in arrears in paying taxes, bring them to the "black list" and initiate pre-trial investigations on the facts of pseudo-entrepreneurship. Naturally, illegal checks begin, the accounting, financial documentation is withdrawn, forensic economic examinations are conducted.

"Of course, this is one of the most systemic problems that exist today. You have the right to send appeals to the General Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Court. However, you yourself must be more active in protecting your interests by submitting your suggestions for improving the Tax Code. Already now it is known that its ideology will be aimed at protecting the interests of you, taxpayers", - Bolat Palymbetov said.

The agenda - land issues

During the reception, the notorious land issues were also discussed. For example, LLP "TAT-2001" acquired a private land plot within the boundaries of the villahe "Zhibek zholy" of Arshaly district for the construction and maintenance of residential buildings. The land was removed from the agricultural land and transferred to the category of land for the construction of residential buildings.

The company received an architectural and planning assignment, but due to the lack of a general plan and a power supply project, the company was refused the technical conditions for electricity supply.

Moreover, the purpose of the land plot has been changed and now it belongs to the communal storage area.

Let's note, in Akmola region the sphere of land legal relations is one of the most problematic. The focus of attention is the refusal of state bodies to issue land plots due to the lack of master plans, detailed design projects in the built-up areas.

By the way, today in 188 settlements of the region the master plans, developed back in the 70-80's, do not meet the requirements of urban planning, which is the basis for refusing to provide land.

The entrepreneurs themselves propose to consider the possibility of changing and adjusting the general plans, project design documentation. In their opinion, the electronic map of land plots should be freely available, with the availability of capacity points and connection to the providers of water and heat supply.

All questions received during the reception (and more than ten) Bolat Palymbetov has put down, promising to make a detailed study of them.

I must say that the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs had a discussion with the head of the region Malik Murzalin and the regional prosecutor Timur Tashimbaev, a meeting with which was held on the same day.









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