
The standard of Good Pharmacy Practice contains unnecessary business requirements

- City of Astana
10977 просмотров

The issues of pharmacies' transition to the standard of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) and related issues have been repeatedly discussed at the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" within the framework of the Working Group on the Pharmaceutical Industry.

As it was noted by Yuliya Yakupbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE Atameken at one of the regular meetings:

"Today, the practice of introducing international standards (GxP) has shown the need to adapt international standards for Kazakhstan, taking into account the specifics of the republic".

In particular, the requirements of the standard themselves contain unnecessary requirements, and the established timeframe for the transition to the Standard of Good Pharmacy GPP practice from 1st of January 2018 for many pharmacies is attainable norm.

For example, as entrepreneurs from the regions have voiced, the requirements of the standard for the introduction of a consultant, clinical pharmacist, blood sugar testing procedures, pregnancy testing, measurement of pressure lead to the need to increase the area of the pharmacy and obtain an additional license: for medical activities.

These superfluous requirements do lead to large financial costs for entrepreneurs, especially for small businesses.

 At the same time, mandatory introduction of these requirements does not affect the quality of medicines, does not lead to deterioration in the conditions of their storage and the quality of people's services.

The complexity is also the fact that there are not so many clinical pharmacists in the country, whose main function is to work together with physicians in hospitals and clinics to provide individualized medical assistance to patients.

On all issues raised by entrepreneurs, mutual understanding was reached with the government agency in the sphere of circulation of medicines and medical products.

As a result of several meetings of the Working Group, a package of proposals was prepared at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs to amend the current standard of Good Pharmacy Practice.

In addition, regarding the period of transition of pharmacy organizations to the GPP standard, NCE RK is currently continuing its work, the opinion of all participants is collected in consolidated proposals that will be worked out with the state body.

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