
On 23rd of May 2016 was launched the first Kazakhstani multimedia portal "Atameken Business Channel"

- City of Astana
6501 просмотров

The initial broadcasting grid was 4 hours a day, and today the channel broadcasts in 24/7 format via the satellite "KazSat-3" throughout the territory of Kazakhstan.

Since December 2016, "Atameken Business Channel" has become available for viewing to subscribers of three cable operators - ID TV on channel 35, Otau TV on channel 43 and Alma TV on channel 6.

Today, the channel has more than 60 information and analytical programs. All content is 100% own and produced on the channel. 70% of the broadcasts are live. The partners of the channel are international agencies Thomson Reuters, Interfax, Bloomberg.

It should be noted that the staff of the channel employs more than 100 employees and 50 experts – anchorman of analytical signature programs.

The channel is headed by the general director Yuliya Valiakhmetova from the date of its foundation. She started her professional career as a journalist in 2000 on the regional television channel "Alau" in Kostanay. Since 2007, she continued working in JSC "Agency "Khabar". Since 2012, she was appointed director of the channel "KazakhTV", after working as the head of information and analytical programs on the "First Channel Eurasia", she headed the Department of Public Relations at NCE RK "Atameken".

Since 23rd of May 2016, the television channel has conducted more than 50 broadcasts. It should be noted that the broadcast of the military parade on the 25th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the social network Facebook with a coverage of 110,903 collected more than 30,000 views. The experience of using the mobile studio, which works live on major events, was successfully introduced.

In the online mode using the mobile studio, the following events were covered:

- Astana Economic Forum

- RISK Challenge forum. Microfinance (commissioned by the First Credit Bureau)

- Corporate Charity Forum (commissioned by Samruk-Kazyna Trust)

The channel also has a unique TalkShow system. This is a high-quality production solution for delivering real-time video calls over Skype in broadcast quality in Full HD format. The system allows you to connect instantly to 4 online subscribers at any time from any geographically remote location.

Since May 2017 the signal "Atameken business channel" is wired via the geostationary telecommunication satellite Yamal-401.

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