
Schoolchildren of Astana will wear uniforms of the same color

- City of Astana
8865 просмотров

This decision was voiced in Astana at the forum-exhibition of domestic manufacturers of school uniforms

More than 15 producers of school uniforms from all over Kazakhstan presented their products at the exhibition organized by the Department of Manufacturing Industry of NCE RK "Atameken" jointly with the capital's Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Education Department of Astana. Teachers, directors and representatives of parents' committees of all 84 schools of the city came to assess quality, design and price policy.

Opening the event, the deputy director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Astana, Almat Zhunusov, noted the urgency of the forum in connection with the forthcoming preparation for the next academic year.

"The school year comes to an end and, accordingly, plans for the school uniform for the next academic year are discussed. At the forum, we would like to show the capabilities of domestic producers, so that our parents could purchase a school uniform directly from the Kazakh garment factories", - said Almat Dzhunusov.

The representative of the Education Department of Astana Gulim Dzhusupova said that on the eve of the forum, the education management held a meeting with the parental committees, which discussed the need to introduce a uniform color of the school uniform.

"Many parents supported this idea. Now every school has its own form, but during the year many parents because of the fact that they rent housing, are forced to move from one district to another, respectively, to change the school to children. There is a question about buying a new school uniform. We believe that the introduction of a uniform school uniform for Astana will help parents save money. The color will be one, we suggest changing only the logos", - suggested Gulim Dzhusupova.

 According to her, the management of the city's education department approved uniform recommendations on the school uniform on the basis of the order of the Minister of Education and Science No. 26 of January 14, 2016, which stipulates what is included in the school uniform, the length of the skirts, the quality of the fabric, etc.

"The transition will be phased, within 2-3 years", - the Astana Education Department representative said.

In addition to this issue, the forum participants also discussed other issues. The representative of the Union of manufacturers of light industry products of RK Bakhyt Moldybayeva voiced a number of problems on the development of light industry of the republic.

"Today, models of the school uniform remain individual for each educational institution, the uniform detail is the color and the necessary equipment. Often this is a significant obstacle for industrial enterprises in terms of output volumes of manufactured products. It turns out, that the sewing enterprises, as a matter of fact, work under the individual orders of the population, as atelier. Naturally, these are increased costs, which parents ultimately pay", - said Bakhyt Moldybayeva.

They discussed the impact of the quality of the school uniform on the health of children. Parents noted that for them the main thing is the quality of the tissue, its hypo-allergenicity. They asked to take into account this circumstance of manufacturers and use textile materials with good hygienic properties (hygroscopicity, air permeability, moisture absorption, heat protection).

Producers agreed with this, noting that close attention should be given to the documents confirming the conformity of the textile materials used for sewing to the requirements of the Technical Regulations and Sanitary Regulations.

At the same time, domestic commodities producers complained that in most cases school uniforms are bought not from Kazakhstani factories, but from foreign suppliers.

In this connection, the deputy director of the Almaty Businessmen's Club, Almat Zhunusov, called on the parents of small Kazakhstani citizens to give preference to the domestic school uniform, since in this case a stable development of this sector and an effective import substitution are possible. He assured that the Chamber is always ready to assist in organizing similar exhibitions and fairs of domestic manufacturers of school uniforms.

Recall that by the order of the Minister of Education one color school uniform was introduced in Kazakhstan in 2016.


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