
"Atameken" drew attention to "gaps" in state construction control

- West Kazakhstan Region
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The deputies of the Mazhilis drew attention to the process of state construction control in RK

In Uralsk, there is an on-site meeting of the Committee on Economic Reform and Regional Development of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Committee on Economic Reform and Regional Development of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurtai Sabilyanov. The report was made by Eldos Ramazanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

The vice-minister for investments and development of RK Roman Sklyar, deputies of Mazhilis, deputy akim of WKR Bagdat Azbaev and representatives of business also took part in it.

On 28th of April in the Mazhilis was held a meeting of the deputies of the faction "Nur Otan" with the leadership of "Atameken". As a result of this event, an appropriate joint action plan was signed, aimed at supporting and developing entrepreneurship. Today's visiting session is part of the practical implementation of this plan.

In the course of the speech, Eldos Ramazanov noted that after 2014, the transfer of GASK from the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of MID RK to Akimats, the National Chamber notes a reduction in complaints. Entrepreneurs note that many problems on the ground have been resolved more quickly.

"However, the business has open questions that need to be discussed. The first was the issue of inspections by GASK regarding technical supervision, which are not registered in the bodies of legal statistics. No one tracks the number of their visits to construction sites. Thus, it has been legislatively established that GASK can enter the facility at least every day under the guise of testing technical supervision. The second controlling body is the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of MID RK, which is authorized to inspect the Gask and the Committee, it can also under the guise of this check without registration, to visit the same building site. As a result of this scheme, " Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of MID RK – technical control - contractor", the contractor remains guilty - they only check and punish him", - explained the essence of the problem Eldos Ramazanov.

A proposal was also made to address this issue.

"NCE is ready to resolve this issue, it proposes to make an act on the appointment of verification, register it in the bodies of legal statistics. These procedures will discipline officials, protect both business and civil servants themselves, without being tempted to get a "bribe", - says Eldos Ramazanov.

During the meeting, the following issues were also voiced: deformed market of technical supervision, non-professionals compile pre-competitive documentation, the customer does not comply with building regulations. "Atameken" made proposals on each issue.

It is worth to highlight separately the issues of dumping. In 2015, the Ministry of Finance introduced changes in Article 26 of the Law on Public Procurements in terms of lifting restrictions on dumping because of what the market of technical supervision was deformed.

"The market of technical supervision is deformed, it is dumping, unhealthy competition and, of course, not quite a professional market structure. The National Council repeatedly voiced this problem. It is clear that technical supervision, making a discount, clearly believes that it will receive appropriate funds from the contractor. As a result, all the burden falls on contractors. In order to exclude the current situation, it is necessary to begin with the qualification requirements for persons performing technical supervision", - the Deputy Chairman of the Board added.

Following the meeting, the Mazhilis deputy Myra Aysina asked to draw attention of the authorized bodies to the problem of the deformed market of technical supervision.

In turn, a member of the Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development Valikhan Kaynazarov during the discussion asked Roman Sklyar about the need to make changes in this industry, noting that government agencies need to prepare proposals, give recommendations to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In general, the deputies are ready to initiate a bill, it was agreed to hold a number of cluster meetings with representatives of the construction business.

We add that during the trip the working group visited a number of construction projects.

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