
President of Kazakhstan familiarized himself with the work of Atameken in the regions of the country

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President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev held a meeting with the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev

During the meeting, the Head of State was provided with information on the current activities of NCE Atameken. Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized the importance of supporting small and medium-sized businesses, noted the results of measures taken by the state in this direction, reports the press-service of Akorda.

"Lately, on the part of law enforcement and local authorities, we have made many important decisions to support small and medium-sized businesses. These are the issues of micro-crediting and training people for business", - said the President of Kazakhstan.

The head of state was acquainted with the work of NCE RK "Atameken" in the regions of the country, including in the field of teaching the population the basics of doing business.

"Last year we launched the Bastau program. This is a monthly training course, when in 30 days, by conducting a preliminary selection, we give people the opportunity to understand the basics of business. Together with the akimats we created microfinance organizations and funded graduates. We presented this program, and the Government supported it. 1 billion 200 million tenge were allocated for this year. Within the framework of the program, we will work in 80 regions of the country where 15,000 people will be trained", - Timur Kulibayev said.

Recall, the project "Bastau Business", was implemented in the pilot mode last year, from January 1, 2017 was adopted as a tool for teaching the basics of entrepreneurship on a national scale after its inclusion in the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship in December 2016.

The project "Bastau Business" should cover 15 thousand unemployed and self-employed from 80 regions of Kazakhstan. The project results in the launch of 3,000 new business entities and the creation of new jobs.

The largest number of covered areas in South Kazakhstan (8 districts), Almaty (7 districts), East Kazakhstan (7 districts), Karaganda regions (districts), the smallest in Mangistau region (4 districts).

In total, to date, 4118 people participated in the testing phase, of which 3258 people are currently being trained in the first stream of training (in each region there are 6 stages before the end of this year.

In 74 districts of 14 regions, the process of training and protection of projects was launched. In the remaining 6 districts (Almaty region) the project started from April 26, 2017.

To increase the effectiveness of training, business trainers are provided with unified teaching and methodological materials: a training manual has been prepared - a guide for the business coach, a workbook in Kazakh and Russian.

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