
Kazakh honey is exported to China 22 agreements worth 7 billion USD were signed between RK and PRC

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22 agreements worth 7 billion USD were signed between RK and PRC

On 8th of June Astana hosted the fourth meeting of the Kazakh-Chinese Business Council. This is already a traditional event, which brings together entrepreneurs from the two countries and promotes the development of bilateral relations.

"Thanks to the joint efforts of governments and entrepreneurs of our countries, due to geographical proximity, economic contacts between China and Kazakhstan are at a high level", - Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev noted in his welcoming speech.

Deputy Chairman of the Board added that the PRC made a great contribution to improving economic and investment relations between the two countries.

"Literally in a short period the trade turnover increased by 30%. If earlier the interaction went only at the level of large business, now small and medium-sized business began to cooperate. I note that the Chinese side very quickly removes all barriers on the way of Kazakhstani goods. Last year, a number of agreements and protocols were signed, according to which fish products and mixed fodders are already supplied. A protocol about the possibility of importing Kazakh honey to the Chinese market was signed in May. In the near future, we expect the signing of agreements on mutton", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

Altaev also stressed that a dense network of business contacts should become a carrier of economic cooperation between countries. The meeting of the Business Council will help to find new ways, which will bring the business community of the two countries even closer.

In all, 22 commercial documents worth a total of 7 billion USD were signed at the meeting.

"During this time the council proved its effectiveness, at present there are 51 projects in the Kazakh-Chinese investment portfolio for a total of about 28 billion USD", - Umirzak Shukeyev, Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, added in his turn.

Basically, these are oil and gas, chemical, energy, transport, agricultural, mining and machine-building sectors.

For example, agreements have been reached between LLP United Chemical Company and the State Development Bank of China (CBRC) on the implementation of investment projects for the production of methanol and ammonia on the territory of the FEZ "National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark" in Atyrau region, as well as the launch of production of caustic soda on the territory of the FEZ "Chemical Park Taraz" in Zhambyl region.

In addition, memorandums were signed on the implementation of projects for the construction of wind farms in the Sheleksky corridor of Almaty region with a capacity of 60 MW with the prospect of expanding to 300 MW and the construction of small hydropower plants.

An agreement on cooperation in the development of electronic commerce in the Republic of Kazakhstan was signed between the National Council, JSC Kazpost, the Kazakhstan-China Trade Promotion Association and the Internet Association of Kazakhstan.

It is also planned to attract Chinese investors in the field of electronic commerce. Internet trading today is the fastest growing area of sales. It should be added that in 2012, transactions were made from Kazakhstan for 10 million USD, in 2016 - more than 900 million USD.


The Kazakh-Chinese Business Council was established on behalf of the leaders of the two countries, which was given during the visit of Nursultan Nazarbayev to the PRC in April 2013. The purpose of creating the council is to further stimulate trade and economic cooperation, promote and develop cooperation in various sectors of the economy.

The co-chairman of the CCC from the Kazakh side is the Chairman of the Board of JSC Samruk-Kazyna Umirzak Shukeyev, on the Chinese side - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CITIC Group corporation Chan Zhenming.

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