
13 state functions will be transferred to the competitive environment

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On 9th of June 2017 at NCE RK "Atameken" was held a round table on the transfer of public functions in a competitive environment and to self-regulatory organizations. During the round table, with the participation of interested state bodies, as well as business entities, the most topical issues on creating self-regulating organizations in Kazakhstan were discussed, interim results of the transfer of state functions to the competitive environment and SRO were considered. It is worth recalling that in accordance with the 97th Step of the Nation Plan - 100 concrete steps, it is envisaged to expand the ability of citizens to participate in the decision-making process through the development of self-regulation and local self-governance, as well as the transfer of functions that are not official to the state in a competitive environment and to self-regulating organizations. The government will become compact due to the reduction of unnecessary state and excessive functions.

Askarbek Yertayev, representative of the Department for Development of the Public Administration System of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, made a report on the results of work on the first group of functions proposed for transfer to a competitive environment and to self-regulatory organizations and on further measures for the formation of the third group of functions. Along with this, Aslanbek Dzhakupov, Deputy Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, explained the current problems of the development of the institute of self-regulation in Kazakhstan, as well as the principles of creating self-regulation.

"Based on the results of the 2nd group of functions, 11 potential areas for analyzing the regulatory impact on the feasibility of introducing self-regulation have been identified", -Aslanbek Dzhakupov said.

 In general, about 55 functions are considered for transfer to the SRO, about 13 functions are transferred to the competitive environment", - said Aizhan Bizhanova, managing director of the Department for Legislation and Development of Self-Regulation of NCE RK "Atameken".

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