
Council of Businesswomen becomes a certain movement - Lazzat Ramazanova

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III Congress of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" is held in Astana. Lazzat Ramazanova, Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK Atameken, opening the Congress addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. "Women in the economy of Kazakhstan contribute 40% of GDP and this is a very serious figure. The head of state set serious tasks for the country, and in particular for entrepreneurs. Accordingly, employment takes priority. Providing employment is one of the most important tasks that confronts us", - said Lazzat Ramazanova. During the Congress, delegates will discuss a wide range of issues to expand women's economic opportunities and increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

"The Council of Businesswomen is quite young organization, which becomes a definite movement. Being a business lady becomes very fashionable. Women come to us, they want to be part of our Council, our movement. They are ready to contribute, I welcome every Kazakhstani woman who is joining our movement, all who carry this high banner! "- Lazzat Ramazanova emphasized.

According to the Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen, the share of women in all spheres of activity is constantly increasing. When the regional offices of Atameken were established, their leaders in all 16 regions were men. Today, a number of branches are headed by women.

Lazzat Ramazanova added that in all regions of the country the regional chambers and councils are clearly interacting with local executive bodies. This work is actually brought to the district level. Last year, we completed the establishment of branches in more than 180 district centers and single-industry towns.

It should be added that the III Congress of the Council of Businesswomen under the slogan "Kazakhstan is an oasis of business ideas" is held within the framework of the Congress of NCE RK "Atameken" and with the support of the National Commission for Women and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In turn, the General Producer of the international TV channel IDFashion, Vasily Klimchuk, noted that despite the competitive business, women always keep pace with the fashion trend.

"Any business exists and survive in an exceptionally competitive environment. Being very busy people, we still try to follow the fashion trends. I say this with confidence, because today there are a sufficient number of beautifully dressed people in the hall", - Vasily Klimchuk said in his speech.

Reference: The Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" is a permanent advisory body of the National Chamber. The main mission of our council is to unite women into a single union in order to increase their activity in the business environment. In total, our organization includes more than 700 women entrepreneurs. In each region of Kazakhstan, the Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs and Business Support Centers have been set up to provide service support and business information support. In all regions, there has been a growing trend in the number of enterprises headed by women. We add that for four years of activity Atameken has become an effective and weighty dialogue platform for business and government to discuss and resolve topical problems and issues, and support of domestic entrepreneurship.

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