
Timur Kulibayev: Women's Entrepreneurship Should Be in the Spotlight

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Reliability gives rise to trust, and in business trust is the most important

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev noted this during the III Congress of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" in Astana. "I want to say that women as workers, as business leaders, are different from men. If you need some sort of reconciled data, calculations, for example, accounting or financial management, it is always best done by female hands. Women do put their knowledge into work with great professionalism, reliability in many aspects. They are always, 365 days a year at work, they work with complete dedication. I note that reliability generates trust, and in business, trust is the most important thing. Despite the fact that we are an eastern country, 42% of our women are heads of small and medium-sized businesses. In this matter, education and the exchange of experience are very important. We have a young country in terms of business. My generation is probably the first who learned to do business on their own, on mistakes. Today, thanks to God, there are higher educational institutions, there is a program "Bolashak" and others. I think women who, in addition to creating warmth and coziness at home, raise children, in addition engagement in business, becoming an example for them - the "main university". Children clearly understand that business is when you can stand steadily on your feet, when you can give decent education to your children, this is a life school of entrepreneurship", - Timur Kulibayev emphasized. The Chairman of the Presidium noted that women's entrepreneurship should be at the center of attention of the National Chamber. Timur Kulibayev added that the strength of the Council of Businesswomen (CBW) is in unity. In each region there are representations of CBW. This suggests that there is feedback from entrepreneurs throughout the country, there is the opportunity to share best practices and experience of solving some or other of the problematic issues. "For the whole business, particularly women's business, the issues of accessibility of finance are extremely important. We are trying to solve them, we are conducting this work through microfinance organizations", - said Timur Kulibayev. Recall, in 2016, "Atameken" initiated a pilot project on microcrediting six pilot regions (Almaty, Aktyubinsk, Kyzylorda, Mangistau, Zhambyl, Kostanay regions). At the same time, MFOs use a "soft" collateral policy, taking pledge of movable / immovable property, land, vehicles, agricultural machinery and equipment. The decision to grant a loan is made by the regional councils, which consist of a number of representatives of the business community. The project was submitted to the Government. It formed the basis for a program of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship. Loans of up to 18 million KZT for up to 7 years at 6% are granted under the program. In addition, it is worth noting the pilot project "Bastau Business", which since January 1, 2017 with the support of the Government has become the basis of the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship. The program is designed for the years 2017-2021. This year, 1 billion 200 million tenge was allocated for training 15,000 unemployed and self-employed in 80 rural areas. At the end of 2017, we face a specific task - to launch at least 3,000 new business entities and create new jobs throughout Kazakhstan. And from next year the scale of the project "Bastau Business" will double: annually from 2018 to 2021 will be covered 30 000 unemployed and self-employed, of which at least 6 000 should launch a business. For these purposes, 2 billion 400 billion tenge are annually provided. "Now people from rural areas who have been trained know how to conduct their business and feed their families. This aspect is very important and a positive example is also contagious. The people around will see what they have, they can provide for themselves and their families. This can be an incentive to open their own business, give them strength and confidence that they need to move. "Atameken "will help", - the head of the National Council is sure. During the Congress, Timur Kulibayev handed four medals to the four members of the CBW of NCE RK "Atameken" for "loyalty to the case" of the third degree.

Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK Atameken Lazzat Ramazanova, Vice-Chairmen of NCE RK Yuliya Yakupbaeva and Tulemis Shotanov, Deputy Chairman of the National Commission for Women and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of Kazakhstan Lazzat Suleimen, General Producer of International TV channel "IDFashion" Vasily Klimchuk, as well as representatives of state bodies and the business community took part in the event.

At the end of the meeting, the Declaration of the III Congress of the Council of Businesswomen of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" "Kazakhstan - an oasis of business ideas" was adopted.


Reference: The Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" is a permanent advisory body of the National Chamber. The main mission of our council is to unite women into a single union in order to increase their activity in the business environment. In total, our organization includes more than 700 women entrepreneurs. Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs and Business Support Centers have been set up to provide service support and business information support in each region of Kazakhstan. In all regions, there has been a growing trend in the number of enterprises headed by women.


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