
Boris Titov: Institute of Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan proved its effectiveness

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Business Ombudsmen of Kazakhstan and Russia support close cooperation

This was stated by the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Russian Federation, Boris Titov at the IV Congress of NCE RK "Atameken".

As it was noted by the Russsian Ombudsman, Kazakhstan, indeed, has favorable conditions for conducting business. The institution of the Ombudsman exists for more than a year in our country, but it has already proved its effectiveness.

"Of course, we welcomed the establishment of this institution. And today with Bolat Abylkasymovich we are establishing close cooperation, we learn from each other. We already have a positive experience. The total number of joint appeals examined so far is small, about ten, on violations of rights on the territory of Russia. These are not conflicts with the authorities, but with our entrepreneurs. And here of course, I would like to advise everyone to choose partners very carefully", - Boris Titov said.

As it was noted by Titov, he "envious" of the policy pursued in Kazakhstan. This, in particular, concerns the taxation system, tariff policy, and, most importantly, the government's focus on supporting entrepreneurship.

"Impressive results were achieved in reduction of cases brought against entrepreneurs. In Russia, we are only trying to stabilize these indicators. You have huge results in controlling and supervising activities, humanizing the legislation", - the Russian Business Ombudsman stressed.

In 2016, the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov and the Representative under the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs, Boris Titov, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. One of the latest examples of jointly resolved problems is the abolition of illegal actions by bailiffs of Kostanay region against the Kostanay company “Tekhkomplekt”.

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