
A breeding center with a genetic laboratory will appear in Kazakhstan

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Timur Kulibayev visited the Bayserke-Agro complex and met with farmers. The introduction of new technologies was discussed at the out-of-office meeting of the AIC Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium Timur Kulibayev, the Chairman of the Board Ablay Myrzakhetov, the First Vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kayrat Aytuganov, Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Amrin, Chairman of the Committee on Agro-industrial Complex Ivan Sauer on the introduction of new technologies in the agro-industrial complex. The head of the National Council noted that the role of agriculture in the economic development of the republic was repeatedly emphasized by the head of state. Timur Kulibayev spoke earlier about prospects in the agro-industrial complex. In his opinion, this sector belongs to the sector of the economy directly forming the country's food and economic security, employment and social stability of rural areas, where half the population of Kazakhstan lives.

"The confident growth of the country's population leads to an increase in the consumption of food products and a change in the structure of consumption towards better products. Kazakhstan has huge sown areas in different climatic zones, which gives exceptional advantages for the production of the most diverse environmentally friendly products of the agro-industrial complex, in which neighboring countries are very interested. And the scale of the sales markets opens a huge potential for agricultural producers", - the Chairman of the Presidium believes. Timur Kulibayev also noted the importance of localization of production of agricultural machinery in Kazakhstan, spare parts, attachments and the organization of due service for machinery.

During the meeting, the guests were shown a system of subsoil drip irrigation, modern agricultural equipment, scientific developments of Almaty scientists. But the main pride of Bayserke-Agro will be a biotechnology laboratory for the production of embryos of cattle and pigs, as well as a breeding and genetic center (nucleus) for 3,000 sows, with a production capacity of up to 85,000 heads per year. "Cattle breeding of Kazakhstan has a very low genetic index of productivity. In the US, it is 195, in Western Europe - 120, and in our country only 60. The breeding center, which we plan to launch in September, will allow us to step forward for 20 years. It is not profitable to bring pedigree cattle from abroad. Only 30% of imported animals adapt to our conditions. And the genetic center will allow to import embryos from which any healthy cow can give an offspring. We can get up to several dozen calves from one embryo. The same method should be used for reproduction of horses and camels", Altay Kenzhebaev, director of Bayserke-Agro, said.

Representatives of "Bayserke - Agro" also noted that the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan lends 30 million tenge to finance a project of a genetic laboratory. "There is such a tribal center only in the USA. There are already proposals for cooperation from colleagues from Russia and China. The Kazakhstani reproduction center can supply all this huge markets. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs is conducting training and advanced training of Kazakhstan farmers for the second year on the basis of "Bayserke-Agro"", - said Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev. Farmers asked Timur Kulibayev to help get state subsidies. The agrarians also lamented that many decisions concerning the agricultural sector are taken without their participation and, as a rule, this leads to negative consequences. Timur Kulibayev noted that among the scientists and entrepreneurs employed in the agro-industrial complex, there are many young people. And this is a positive trend. "Atameken" is carrying out a huge work to support businessmen engaged in agriculture and will consider all offers of farmers", - the Chairman of the Presidium summed up the meeting.

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