
Traffic control will be completely switched to online mode

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On 29th of June 2017 was held the regular meeting of the Council for the Protection of the Righta of Entrepreneurs and Combating Corruption. The event was held in the video conference mode with the participation of the deputies of the Parliament, the leadership of the ministries for investment and development, internal affairs, local executive bodies, representatives of freight forwarders, media and the public.

"The meeting was organized within the framework of the roadmap for reduction of the conditions for corruption in 16 areas related to business development in Kazakhstan. The Expert Group of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs and Counteracting Corruption conducted an analysis of the state of corruption in the field of transport logistics in road transport and government regulation of this activity. The activity of state bodies regulating transport logistics and other participants in the transportation process has been analyzed. The appeals and statements on this topic received by Atameken were discussed, meetings were held with entrepreneurs of Astana and Almaty and Almaty region, the materials of associations of road hauliers and forwarders were used", - the Chairman of the Council for Combating Corruption and the Shadow Economy of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan stated this at the opening of the meeting “Atameken” Kairbek Suleimenov.

The analysis showed that in 2016 the highest corruption among the sectors of the economy was noted in transport - 35%. At the same time, regular and unplanned inspections of territorial inspections and transport control posts are conducted on an ongoing basis by the staff of the central office of the Transport Committee (TC), including jointly with public organizations.

Mazhilis deputy Meruert Kazbekova noted that for the period from 2014 to 2016, Atamaken received 545 requests for transport issues. The main problems of regulation of business activity in this area are:

  • non-transparency of transport control procedures;
  • inconsistency of the actions of controlling bodies within the country;
  • lack of modern information systems and targeted work to reduce the transport control infrastructure;
  • lack of mechanisms to motivate entrepreneurs to obey the law and conscientiousness.

Problems that create the prerequisites for administrative barriers and restrictions on entrepreneurial activity are: lengthy review of documents, bureaucracy, incompetence of workers, as well as a large number of inspections.

"The system solution to eliminate these risks is the cardinal change in the order of traffic control on the roads, namely the control of vehicles, on the move, without stopping them", said Aset Asanbayev, the chairman of the transport control of MTC.

In this regard, as noted earlier, work is under way to introduce the following systems:

  1. Preliminary online registration of transportation of vehicles for international carriers;
  2. Installation of automated weighing systems for vehicles in motion;
  3. Automated determination of the location of posts, based on data from road services and local executive bodies;
  4. Adoption of legislative amendments on grounds for stopping vehicles.

"Work is underway to issue an International Certificate of weighing vehicles in a competitive environment, which will reduce the cost of transporting goods and create conditions for carriers to weigh their vehicles before going on motorways. We believe that these measures will make it possible to eliminate the conditions for the commission of corruption crimes on the roads", - Alik Shpekbayev, Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Activities added.

Kairbek Suleimenov, summing up the meeting, added that the identified organizational and legal gaps in the activities of the Transport Committee of the MID RK create corruption risks in the field of transport logistics of road transport and state regulation of this activity. Noting that the work of the Council in this direction will be continued. For information: Transport control is carried out by 4 stationary and 37 mobile posts, whose activities are controlled by the Situation Center through audio and video monitoring in a round-the-clock mode. During the first 5 months of 2017, 53 employees of the TC (4 dismissed) were brought to disciplinary responsibility for violations, including for uncontrolled transportation of vehicles. In addition, the work of mobile stations is controlled using the "GPS-navigation" system, which allows for online monitoring of the route of movement of all mobile posts. In addition to the helplines, a mobile blog platform is launched in the messenger "WhatsApp". In total for 2016 within the helpline of the Situation Center 42 appeals were received, 33 in 2017.

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