
There is a way out: All needs for fuel and lubricants in Kazakhstan will be covered

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Modernization of the country's refineries will fill all the needs. At LLP “Atyrau Oil Refinery” wa held the visiting working meeting of the Committee of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the direction "Industrial Development" of the election program of the Nur Otan Party "Kazakhstan 2021: Unity. Stability. Creation. "

 During the on-site meeting, the delegates inspected the commissioned factory facilities, which have undergone modernization, visited the construction site of the Deep Oil Refining Complex (DORC), the mechanical completion, with pre-start and commissioning, is scheduled for 3-4 quarters of 2017, and met with the workforce. As a result of the trip, the meeting participants noted the unprecedented scale of the construction, as well as the new production prospects that will open at the end of the project.

"Atyrau refinery is located in the west of Kazakhstan in the oil producing region. Given the existing export routes, less dense population, the plant modernization project is implemented in the fuel and petrochemical option, with increasing depth of oil refining and production of light oil products, as well as the possibility of producing absolutely new chemicals for the country - benzene and paraxylene, which, in their turn is the basic raw material for petrochemicals", - explained Eldos Ramazanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

 Commissioning of DORC will increase the depth of oil refining, the production of motor fuels required for the needs of the domestic market, with a reduction in the production of dark petroleum products. In this case, all products will meet the requirements of ecological classes K4 and K5 technical regulations of the Customs Union.

"At the XII Congress of the Nur Otan Party, the President of the country said that we need to bring the volume of oil refining in the country up to 17 million tons so that we can completely cover all the needs for fuels and lubricants in Kazakhstan. For this purpose the modernization of three oil refineries was launched - Atyrau, Pavlodar and Shymkent", - said Mazhilis deputy Amanzhan Zhamalov. - Today, having visited the factory, we saw that the modernization, which is being carried out, is a unique technological process. It is realized without stopping production. Here, in parallel with the production is the construction of an almost new oil refinery of the last generation".

According to the deputy, in 2018, the tasks that the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev set before the oil refining industry of the country will be fulfilled. The Deputy Chairman of the Board noted that the modernization of the refineries pursues several goals: increasing the processing depth and total capacity of the RK refineries from the current 15 million to 16.5 million tenge per year, for the supply of the domestic market with petroleum products of full range, improving the quality of motor fuels to environmental standards K4 and K5, in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union, reducing the environmental burden of using improved motor fuels with low soda carcinogenic substances, as well as increasing the competitiveness of refineries and creating more attractive conditions for oil refining.

"The uniqueness of the project is that it introduces advanced innovative technology for processing fuel oil and the first catalytic cracking unit built on the territory of independent Kazakhstan in the post-Soviet period", - stressed Eldos Ramazanov.

Modernization of the refinery will increase the production of high-octane gasoline - from 600 thousand tons to 1,600 thousand tons per year (an increase of 2.7 times); aviation fuel - from 19 thousand tons to 250 thousand tons per year (an increase of 13 times), while the water consumption from the Ural River will be reduced by 200 thousand m3 per year. The planned completion date of the modernization is December 2017.

Then, Vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aset Magauov, heads of JSC NC KazMunayGas and LLP Atyrau Oil Refinery reported on the current situation at the domestic market of petroleum products, the current activities of the Atyrau refinery and progress in completing modernization of the republic's refineries, and increase of the competitiveness of the oil and gas sector as a whole.

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