
The representatives of the OSCE discussed the issues of combating corruption

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On 11 of July 2017 at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a meeting with representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, with the support of the OSCE Programs Office in Astana, initiated the project "Promoting a joint approach to Prevention of corruption in Central Asia". The delegation was led by Ermelinda Meksi, deputy head of the Coordinator's Office. The delegation was composed of experts from the OSCE Secretariat Steve Janssens, Chris Mall, Kurban Babayev and others. Experts were interested in the information voiced by the representatives of the National Chamber about the work being done to prevent corruption, reduce administrative barriers, and improve the conditions for doing business. In particular, the Acting President, Deputy Chairman of the Board Ustemirov E.L. reported that "Atameken" annually prepares a rating "Business climate", which serves as a certain indicator of the evaluation of the actions of state bodies by entrepreneurs, as well as assessing the perception of corruption. The results of the rating show possible ways of improving anti-corruption activities in the country.

Much attention was paid to the system of analysis of regulatory impact introduced in Kazakhstan, which is an effective mechanism for reducing pressure on business.

According to experts, OSCE is implementing a project on this subject and the possibility of providing consultations to the Kazakh side can be considered. In addition, the problem of the need to improve corporate governance, the creation of a unified national system and corporate governance standards was voiced. Now these documents are scattered and these issues are dealt with by various state bodies and organizations of the quasi-public sector. The representative of the National Chamber noted that the assistance of OSCE in this matter could also improve the mechanisms of combating corruption in the private sector. The issues of countering corruption in the sphere of procurement, the examination of draft legal acts, and the effectiveness of the interaction of the National Board with government agencies were also discussed. Following the discussion, the representatives of the National Chamber and the OSCE agreed on close cooperation in the implementation of the project on the development of mechanisms in order to prevent corruption.

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