
EduTech Startups will solve problems in education

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The competition of startup projects in the field of education

The Central Communications Service hosted a press conference dedicated to the plenary session of the Republican August Conference of Teachers of the Year 2017 "Modernization of Kazakhstan 3.0 - the contribution of education". The responsible secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aryn Orsariyev, the director of the department of preschool and secondary education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Karinova and the director of the Department of Human Capital Development of NCE RK "Atameken" Olzhas Ordabayev took part in the event.

The August conference of pedagogical workers of the republic is a traditional event for teachers, which marks the beginning of a new academic year and new pedagogical ideas. This year, within the framework of the conference, the National Council, together with the Bolashak Association, launches a competition of educational startup projects EduTech.

"It is extremely important to create the right environment for the interaction of new approaches and classical pedagogy. Involvement of the private education sector and the start-up community in solving the problems of the education sector is one of our main messages", - Olzhas Ordabayev said.

To participate in the contest it is necessary to fill in the online application form and attach the scanned versions of the documents. A sample application form and a list of documents are posted on the information resources, and Applications are accepted until 9th of August  (inclusive), an application and a package of documents are accepted online in the form here. The winners will be announced on 22nd of August at the plenary session of the Republican August conference. The contest "EduTech" will be held in several stages:

• On 11th of August will be formed the list of semifinalists

• On 18th of August  - selection of finalists by the contest committee (no more than 10 projects)

• The final will be held on 22nd of August

Both physical and legal entities have the right to participate in the competition. The project team is considered as one participant in the competition.

The project expects participants who implement or already successfully implement various digital tools (applications, programs), projects in the field of hardware (the production of training simulators), educational methods and initiatives of inclusive education.

There are no age restrictions for the participants. The evaluation criteria for the project are:

1. Relevance

2. Innovation

3. Efficiency of implementation

  4. Scalability

The jury will be composed of professional teachers, leaders of the start-up movement of Kazakhstan, businessmen, including entrepreneurs from the sphere of education.

The winners will be given recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the implementation of the project in educational institutions. Consultation on the explanation of the competition and on the preparation of the application can be obtained by phone:

+7 (7172) 91 93 27 NCE RK "Atameken"

+7 705 159 99 98 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  +7 (7172) 70 76 69 Association "Bolashak"


Provisions of the competition

The provisions of the competition - Kazakh version

 Application form

Application form - Kazakh version

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