
Ranking of the regions on ease of doing business will be conducted in Kazakhstan

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Regions that pay the most attention to business support will obtain a premium

The first rating of Kazakhstan regions on the ease of doing business, based on international and domestic experience, will be compiled this year, the representative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" made an announcement.

President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the annual address to the people of Kazakhstan "Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" noted the need to create a ranking of regions and cities on ease of doing business.

"Kazakhstan annually works to improve its position in the global rating of the World Bank "Doing Business". The Ministry annually issues recommendations to the Government on what needs to be done to improve positions in this rating. It is very important for attraction of foreign investments", - the message states.

This year, a new rating will be prepared in accordance with the request of the Head of State. This will be the ranking of regions on ease of doing business. When compiling the rating of cities and regions, the experience of the work of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" will be used to prepare an independent rating "Business Climate".

Atameken noted that such an approach will allow to see what really happens in the regions, and also help develop competition among the regions.

In addition, a special award will be provided in the form of public incentives for those regions and cities that pay the most attention to business support and enterprise development. The preparation of such a rating will be conducted annually.

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