
How to improve social health insurance

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Atameken presented additional proposals on introduction of mandatory social health insurance

On 1st of August, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" presented additional proposals on introduction of mandatory social health insurance, which was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Yuliya Yakupbaeva, as part of the Government meeting chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev:

"The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs is involved in the preparation of the introduction of mandatory social health insurance. Just recently a round table was held with the participation of the leadership of the MSHI Fund and a wide range of business communities. Questions and answers on the results of the meeting are posted on the website of the Fund and the National Chamber.

However, the National Chamber continues to receive questions from entrepreneurs on the definition of the object of calculation, the rates of deductions in certain cases, etc.

We consider it important to continue forming the list of frequently asked questions and answers. We are ready to assist in conducting of Atameken’s Committees meetings, as well as the Regional Chambers with the participation of the Fund are ready to explain to the business community the details of the reform. We ask you to switch MIK RK to this work", - Yuliya Yakupbaeva stressed.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board noted the second issue, as the selection of the health care organization.

"The National Chamber receives questions, including from the media regarding the provision of free choice of a polyclinic.

Formally, this right is granted at the present time. However, from a practical point of view, the population raises questions due to incomplete awareness. We consider it is important to implement this right in the framework of e-health. Every citizen must see through the personal cabinet the entire list of medical organizations available for attachment, indicating the number of citizens attached, the list of medical services, addresses and telephones. And be able to attach online. This would also be convenient for monitoring the attachment process, and for monitoring the state orders allocated to medical institutions. It is implemented partially on the Fund's website, but you can’t attach online.

Third - the choice of a doctor. If the choice of a polyclinic can still be realized, then the choice of a doctor is actually an unrealizable right. First, there is no doctor's base. Secondly, 15 and 1,5 thousand people can attach to the doctor. This process is not regulated. We ask the Ministry of Health to work it out.

Fourth. Unfortunately, the existing tariff setting creates certain advantages for state clinics. So, state clinics provide medical services, using infrastructure, equipment purchased at the expense of the republican and local budgets, unlike private ones that attract financing on market terms.

In this regard, the circle of private traders who could afford to participate in the state order is limited", - the speaker believes. "Atameken" proposes to accelerate the implementation of PPP mechanisms in health care by including in the per capita tariff amortization costs, capital and current repair costs, etc. "And most importantly - the issues of transparency of flows and the quality of services provided.

Significant progress in these problems could be achieved through digitization.

We continue the discussion with the MoH regarding the integration of the clinic software and the creation of the patient's electronic passport.

In our opinion, the electronic passport should contain not only basic information about human health (blood group, drug intolerance, dispensary records, etc.), but also all information about the received treatment, medical history and laboratory studies. Such a passport will play a key role in the MSHI information system, as it will become a kind of control element. But access to such information may require legislative solutions through the Law on Personal Data.

Before putting the system into operation it is necessary to test its efficiency, conduct personnel training.

Taking into account the systematic nature of the work required, the involvement of a large number of ministries and departments, as well as the tight deadline for implementation of mandatory social health insurance system until 01.01.2018, we ask to create a Working Group under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of authorized state bodies, NCE and the business community", - Yuliya Yakupbaeva said.

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