
Silk Road Tourism Opportunities

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Cooperation of Kazakhstan and China in the Great Silk Road

Within the framework of the international specialized exhibition "Astana EXPO-2017" on August 4, 2017, the tourism potential of Fujian Province (PRC), entitled "The beginning of the sea silk road - modern Fujian" was held.

The event was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Yuliya Yakupbaeva, attended by representatives of the Committee of the tourism industry of the MKS RK, the tourist market and interested persons.

With a welcoming speech at the event, Vice President of the Tourism Association of Fujian Province, Lin Yu. At the beginning of his speech, Mr. Yu noted the historical significance of the Great Silk Road, which influences the development of modern interstate relations.

 "Today, thanks to the exhibition EXPO-2017, the Silk Road met with Astana. After visiting the beautiful capital, I realized how similar Astana and Fujian Province are", - the representative of the Association said.

 In the course of his speech, the Vice President of the Association presented the tourist potential of Fujian Province, where sea and beach tourism is developing, which is very popular among tourists.

From the Kazakh side, Yuliya Yakupbaeva in her speech presented the main direction and intermediate results of cooperation between the countries in the tourist industry:

"Indicators of cooperation between Kazakhstan and China in various spheres of the economy are growing year by year. Tourism was no exception. It is no accident that 2017 is the year of tourism in China and Kazakhstan. We already have a permanent platform for cooperation and information exchange - this is the Kazakhstan-China Tourist Forum, which was held in Astana in September 2016 for the first time. In 2017, the holding of such a forum is planned in Almaty. Also, the Tourism Forum on Cooperation with Kazakhstan was held in early June in Beijing", - said the Deputy Chairman of the Board.

In her speech, Yuliya Yakupbaeva made recommendations for Chinese tourists, indicating some of the main attractive places in Kazakhstan. Participants and colleagues from China were recommended to pay attention to Kazakhstani brands, which are very popular among tourists, including among Chinese.

 During the presentation, the Deputy Management Board called for the use of the transit potential of Kazakhstan. For example, when visiting Uzbekistan it is recommended to visit the cities of Shymkent or Taraz, and when visiting Azerbaijan, Turkey or the UAE - Aktau.

"The Memorandum on simplifying group tourist trips of Chinese citizens to Kazakhstan signed in December 2015 opens new avenues for cooperation between the tourist business of the two countries. In addition, the 72-hour visa-free regime for transit tourists from China, introduced in June, allows to arrive in Kazakhstan as "weekend tourists", - added Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

At the end of the speech, the speaker stressed the role of Atameken in creating favorable conditions for tour companies and tourists from China. The event ended with the performance of creative teams from China and Kazakhstan.

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